Unity-Technologies / facial-ar-remote

**This project is discontinued** Facial AR Remote is a tool that allows you to capture blendshape animations directly from your iPhone X into Unity 3d by use of an app on your phone.
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Missing steps in docs #3

Closed SometimesSean closed 6 years ago

SometimesSean commented 6 years ago

Hey, just spotted a couple of steps that are missed on the build settings docs.

  1. import TMP Essential Resources for TextMesh Pro
  2. Enable "ARKit Uses Facetracking" on UnityARKitPlugin > Resources > UnityARKitPlugIn > ARKitSettings

I wasn't familiar with either, so I spent a bit of time working this out. Hopefully it will save some others the headache. Otherwise, great work guys, I'm going to get a lot of use out of this.

jonathan-unity commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I will update and clarify that in the docs.

jalemanyf commented 6 years ago


I'm trying to test the amazing Facial AR Remote sample.

I'm following all the documentation steps ( maybe I done something wrong or missing ).

The App works on my iPhone X: I see the mask over my face and all the gestures. GREAT!

On the Unity Editor I open the scene SlothBlendShapes.

My IP is PORT: 9000

I put on muy iPhone App and press connect but... nothing never happends :(

I only receive two warnings ( not errors ) on the Unity Console:

Missing mesh in Sloth_Head2 (UnityEngine.SkinnedMeshRenderer) UnityEngine.Debug:LogWarning(Object) Unity.Labs.FacialRemote.BlendShapesController:Start() (at Assets/Remote/Scripts/BlendShapesController.cs:72)

Any Ideas?


mtschoen-unity commented 6 years ago

That "Missing Mesh in Sloth_Head2" is an indication that something has gone wrong importing the example content. Since we can't animate the mesh, we just turn off the controller, and you won't see anything in the game view. You can still record animations, but without a model to view them on you won't really be able to use the tool.

Do you have LFS installed? If not, you will get 1kb "object pionters" for asset files like .fbx and .png. You can get it at https://git-lfs.github.com/ and once you install it, just run git lfs pull in the working directory to fetch the assets. If you saved the scene or prefab you might have to run git reset --hard to get the files back to their original states.

If this is not the issue, I'm curious to know what else caused the mesh to go missing. Things like your Unity version, platform (OS X vs Windows) will be relevant. Hope this helps!

mtschoen-unity commented 6 years ago

@jalemanyf I've closed this issue by addressing the two missing steps in the original report. If you continue to have issues, please open a new issue so we can track yours.