Unity-Technologies / probuilder-vr

Kinda like ProBuilder, but in virtual reality.
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Clicking corner-to-corner to create geo instead of drawing, with gripper to "go back" #17

Closed gabrielw-us closed 7 years ago

gabrielw-us commented 7 years ago

I think I've isolated to major problems with geo drawing system- and a potential solution?

1) Snapping while creating shapes, and only drawing changes when a snap point is hit, feels twitchy and lacks feedback (ie, "my pointer is here- why is the box corner there?", even though I know it's snapping...)

2) It's real easy to click the wrong point, any point in the chain, and then you're stuck with that box. Sometimes you can edit it, but that's twitchy too, and good luck if it's a high-up face, or bottom, or opposite your view.

So, what if we clicked corner to corner instead (3 clicks, since it's just a box), and the gripper button could be used to "go back" one click?

There would need to be a fourth click to "confirm" the box, also- I'd just leave the preview box see-through until that 4th click is made. Once confirmed, can't go back.

This solves (1) because your actions are never being "eaten" by the snapping, nothing ever feels twitchy or "that's not what I asked for!".

It also solves (2) because errors are no longer stuck. Just "go back a click", and retry till you get it right.

Also exciting, you could move around the scene mid-draw, so you can zoom in and place your corners just right, far away, etc. Opens up a whole new world!