Unity3D-Wine-Support / Unity3D-on-Wine

Scripts for making Unity3D run on Wine.
GNU General Public License v2.0
102 stars 59 forks source link

Service not available, please try again later #62

Closed CyanBlob closed 9 years ago

CyanBlob commented 9 years ago

When running unity3d.verb (32bit wineprefix) with the Unity 5.0.2 installer, there was a problem downloading Unity (it would download to something like 175%, then say it couldn't verify the file integrity), so I modified the file to use the latest Unity 5.1.1 installer, ran
wine reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v ProductId /t REG_SZ /d 12345-oem-0000001-54321

to allow Unity to get past the license window (from https://github.com/Unity3D-Wine-Support/Unity3D-on-Wine/issues/13) Now, Unity installed properly, but I can't get past the log in screen. It says "Service not available, please try again later" when I click the log in button. I've installed IE8 in the same wineprefix (or I believe I did, my experience with wine is very minimal) Does anyone have a solution/debugging steps I should take? I'm running 64bit Linux Mint 17.2 Cinnamon, using wine 1.6.2 Let me know if you need any more information, and I will try to get it for you quickly.

screenshot from 2015-07-14 18 20 46

jurf commented 9 years ago

Wipe your prefix, update your Wine (preferably to staging) and install again with the modified script. You can get the checksums of the newer installer by running sha1sums /path/to/UnitySetup.exe.

CyanBlob commented 9 years ago

Reinstall did not work. As the beta release of Unity3d seems right around the corner, I'll just hold off.

jurf commented 9 years ago

Hm. Strange. Though don't rely on the Unity beta, it'll probably be more than a month until they push it out to the public. They've only released one build to this date.

CyanBlob commented 9 years ago

If anyone comes across this, updating to wine 1.7.49 fixed my problem! 1.7.46 did not. So hopefully this will help somebody.

jurf commented 9 years ago
