Unity3D-Wine-Support / Unity3D-on-Wine

Scripts for making Unity3D run on Wine.
GNU General Public License v2.0
102 stars 59 forks source link

Freeze at the end of acquiring a licence #73

Open rexct opened 8 years ago

rexct commented 8 years ago

I had installed unity3D 5.2.1f1 in an isolated wineprefix directory(Unity3D). While installing Unity3D 5.2.2f1 in another winprefix directory(unity), it always freezes at the end of acquiring a licence. After changing productId value in HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion from 12345-oem-0000001-54321 to 12345-oem-0000002-54321, everything goes fine. Maybe it's better to set the productId in unity3d.verb from a random source.

jurf commented 8 years ago

Weird, nice find though. I agree, it probably would be better to set it to random, but we're following upstream here (wine), which includes the productId by default since 1.7.3something, so we don't change anything there. You might want to file a wine bug, or if you manage to make a working script I'll gladly accept the pull request, but unfortunately I don't have any time to try to hack on this myself.