Universal-Rom-Tools / Universal-XML-Scraper

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SSH: Stopping Emulationstation does not work #235

Closed verybadsoldier closed 6 years ago

verybadsoldier commented 7 years ago

I entered my SSH credentials but when I click "Stop Emulationstation" then nothing happens.

In the log I found this:

[12:01:03] - SSH Command : killall
[12:01:03] - /!\ Usage: killall [-Z CONTEXT] [-u USER] [ -eIgiqrvw ] [ -SIGNAL ] NAME...
       killall -l, --list
       killall -V, --version

  -e,--exact          require exact match for very long names
  -I,--ignore-case    case insensitive process name match
  -g,--process-group  kill process group instead of process
  -y,--younger-than   kill processes younger than TIME
  -o,--older-than     kill processes older than TIME
  -i,--interactive    ask for confirmation before killing
  -l,--list           list all known signal names
  -q,--quiet          don't print complaints
  -r,--regexp         interpret NAME as an extended regular expression
  -s,--signal SIGNAL  send this signal instead of SIGTERM
  -u,--user USER      kill only process(es) running as USER
  -v,--verbose        report if the signal was successfully sent
  -V,--version        display version information
  -w,--wait           wait for processes to die
  -Z,--context REGEXP kill only process(es) having context
                      (must precede other arguments)

It looks like killall is called without arguments?

Universal-Rom-Tools commented 7 years ago

Can you send me your config.ini ?

Just to see if your credential (Pwd was crypted) is well saved ?

verybadsoldier commented 7 years ago

Can you please tell me your email so I can send it? Github removed private message feature it seems :(

Universal-Rom-Tools commented 7 years ago

no problem ;) screech[@]free.fr