Universal-Rom-Tools / Universal-XML-Scraper

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SSH Hashing not working on Retropie #259

Closed ShizCalev closed 6 years ago

ShizCalev commented 6 years ago

Turning on SSH hashing results in -1 being returned as the MD5 for all roms, and no CRC being generated.

I've tried setting the path to: /home/pi/RetroPie/roms/ /home/pi/RetroPie/roms /pi/RetroPie/roms/ /pi/RetroPie/roms /RetroPie/roms/ /RetroPie/roms ~/RetroPie/roms \RETROPIE\roms /roms

It is accepting all other SSH commands through USX fine. All the directories are in at their default locations.

Universal-Rom-Tools commented 6 years ago

Normally it will work, IF your PI have the md5sum function installed and if UXS can access SSH. (But you say yes :S )

If you look in the "log" file, you will see line like : $vPlinkCommand : md5sum withapathtotherom Try it directly from a console on your pi to check if it works ;)

ShizCalev commented 6 years ago

Found the issue;

Plink supplied with UXS was waiting for a reply to save the host key for the PI, and since it wasn't receiving a yes or no response, it wasn't passing any of the commands.

After opening plink via command line, connecting to the pi, and then saving the host key to it's cache, it's hashing everything fine.

Before saving the key; https://pastebin.com/BmhqTPUe

After saving the key; https://pastebin.com/fbTzQExM

Universal-Rom-Tools commented 6 years ago

Arg... Thank you for the Info... Need to check that to answer "yes" automatically ;)