Universal-Rom-Tools / Universal-XML-Scraper

Scraper de Rom
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Add an option to skip error messages automatically #323

Open d-apps opened 5 years ago

d-apps commented 5 years ago

I don't know why it happens but for some games show an error message for some images.

Everytime I need to press OK manually for the process continue for each game.

Could you please add an option to skip this type of error automatically?

Looks like that the images I get this error somehow the image miss something: logo, screenshot or cover.

I get this error for Mix Image.


My Logs: LOGs.zip

XSplinter commented 5 years ago

Yes, please add option... I got the same annoying problem

ericbsmith42 commented 5 years ago

Every time this happens the program has failed to download an image; or rather, it had downloaded an error message from the web server and saved it as an image file instead of downloading the actual image file. When it tries to open the file, which is just an ascii string containing the error message, the image processing portion of the program errors out and generates the OK pop-up. This also results in creating a borked image file; if it's a single image that fails the image file that's saved is essentially corrupt. If it's a part of a composite image then the composite is created without the missing file, resulting in an incomplete.

So rather than suppressing this error message the program really should deal with the underlying problem better. It should automatically redownload the offending image. Since the reason the image fails to download is usually because the server is getting overloaded the program ought to wait a reasonable amount of time (~5 seconds) before repeatedly trying to redownload the image.

It might also be a good idea to insert a delay between downloads every time a file fails to download; say for every errored file a 100ms (0.1s) delay between file downloads is initiated, with the delay lasting for, lets say, 10 minutes. The more failed files a user gets the longer the delay gets; this delay spread out over many users reduces the server load and reduces the chances of getting these kinds of repeated failed downloads. As the server load goes back down the delays begin to decrease until they go away.

bgillman22 commented 5 years ago

Please...just put it in a log. You walk away from it, thinking that it should complete on it's own but, no. The whole process stops because you didn't handle the error. This thing is cumbersome as it is. You shouldn't have to babysit it for 18 hours.