Universal-Team / LeafEdit

Work in progress Animal Crossing: New Leaf save manager & editor for the Nintendo 3DS!
GNU General Public License v3.0
76 stars 2 forks source link

Spritesheet-Show! #8

Closed SuperSaiyajinStackZ closed 5 years ago

SuperSaiyajinStackZ commented 5 years ago

You like to show your created Spritesheet or you like to get them added to the extras Repo, so Universal-Manager can download them? Then show your Spritesheet with Screenshots (If possible) here! :D

How to create Spritesheets: https://github.com/Universal-Team/leafedit-spritesheet-creation

If you like to have better support, then don't be shy to join the Universal-Team Discord Server here: https://discord.gg/KDJCfGF

How you can 'enable' your Custom Spritesheet:

1.) Open LeafEdit.
2.) Go to the MainMenu.
3.) Go to 'Settings'.
4.) Go to 'Spritesheet'.
5.) Select the Folder with the Spritesheet and press 'A'.
6.) Done! It's that easy. ;)

I hope you enjoy this amazing Feature!

SuperSaiyajinStackZ commented 5 years ago

This is not a thing anymore and got removed with the last 4 Commits.