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Connector-scene? #56

Closed nschneid closed 5 years ago

nschneid commented 5 years ago

In the STREUSLE data I see annotations like "Everyone on staff is very professional and friendly", where "professional and friendly" is considered a complex state:

is_F very_D [professional_C and_N friendly_C]_S

full parse

Is this correct? I don't see an example like this under the description of connectors; I thought those were only for use within non-S/P units.

nschneid commented 5 years ago

Contrast this one, which uses parallel scenes, but seems to be missing a remote edge in the second scene. This one has parallel scenes with the remote edge.

dotdv commented 5 years ago

We've added a new category, Coordinated Main Relation (CMR). This is what we ask annotators: If two or more coordinated Processes or two or more coordinated States share exactly the same scene elements (As, Ds, Ts), then we unite them under one parent unit which is assigned two categories: Coordinated Main Relation (CMR) and also P or S accordingly. Internally, we use multiple Cs to mark each Main Relation separately. so: John [wrote_C and_N recorded_C]_P+CMR a song on Tuesday On the other hand, if the coordinated Main Relations don't share one of the Scene elements, we separate them into different scenes. [John_A [woke up]_P]_A,]_H [went_P [to school]_A (John)_A]_H and [met_P Mary_A there_A (John)]_H

The category was removed from the data for now (it appears in the annotated texts ). To my understanding they will add it back after they apply the expansion automatically.

Re the missing Remote in this example; that's a mistake.

danielhers commented 5 years ago

See danielhers/ucca#57.