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Translations VII - examples Stephens #14

Open MJouitteau opened 2 years ago

MJouitteau commented 2 years ago

The examples from Janig Stephens are produced by herself as a native of the Treger dialect. She is also perfectly fluent in English, so I just add a French translation.

I can not check it on the source paper, but I think that the example # sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:49:987 was actually published as ungrammatical (with a star *) and that it is an error to include it here. I have dropped it. The paper reference is noted as 1993 and it is not her 1993's paper about nominals. The ref. does not appear in [http://talnarchives.atala.org/TALN/TALN-2018/25.pdf the data paper], but I guess it is Stephens, Janig. 1993b. 'Breton', Ball & Fife, The Celtic Languages, 349-409. I don't have access to it.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:20:522
# text = Int a baeas tour ar bannac'hoù.
# text[eng] = They paid for all the drinks.
> text = Int a baeas tout ar bannac'hoù.
> text[fra] = Ils ont payé la tournée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:21:540
# text = Hi a welan alies.
# text[eng] = I often see her.
> text[fra] = Je la vois souvent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:22:554
# text = Bremañ e lennan-me al lizher.
# text[eng] = I read the letter now.
> text[fra] = Je lis la lettre maintenant.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:23:572
# text = Ne lennan-me ket al lizher.
# text[eng] = I don't read the letter.
> text[fra] = Je ne lis pas la lettre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:24:590
# text = Bremañ o gwelan.
# text[eng] = I see them now.
> text[fra] = Maintenant je les vois.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:25:602
# text = O gwelout a ran bremañ.
# text[eng] = I see them now.
> text[fra] = Maintenant je les vois.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:26:618
# text = E kêr e welas Yannig anezho.
# text[eng] = Yannig saw them in town.
> text[fra] = Yannig les a vus en ville.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:27:636
# text = N'eo ket gwezet an ti.
# text[eng] = The house is not sold.
> text[fra] = La maison n'est pas vendue.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:28:654
# text = Lenn a reas Lenaig al levr.
# text[eng] = Lenaig read the book.
> text[fra] = Lenaig a lu le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:29:672
# text = Lennet e oa al levr gant Lenaig.
# text[eng] = The book was read by Lenaig.
> text[fra] = Le livre était lu par Lenaig.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:30:692
# text = An ti a zo bihan.
# text[eng] = The house is small.
> text[fra] = La maison est petite.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:31:708
# text = Bihan eo an ti.
# text[eng] = The house is small.
> text[fra] = la maison est petite.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:32:722
# text = Bremañ eo bravoc'h.
# text[eng] = It's nicer now.
> text[fra] = C'est plus beau maintenant.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:33:734
# text = Bravoc'h eo bremañ.
# text[eng] = It's nicer now.
> text[fra] = C'est plus beau maintenant.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:34:746
# text = Ur milion a oa koustet dezho.
# text[eng] = It had cost them one million.
> text[fra] = Ça leur avait coûté un million.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:35:765
# text = Galvet e oa pep den.
# text[eng] = Each one was called.
> text[fra] = Chacun était appelé.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:36:781
# text = Galvet e oa kement den a oa war dro.
# text[eng] = Each person who was around was called.
> text[fra] = Toute personne alentour était appelée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:37:805
# text = Arruet eo.
> text[eng] = She has arrived.
> text[fra] = Elle est arrivée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:38:815
# text = Chomet eo.
# text[eng] = She has stayed.
> text[fra] = Elle est restée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:39:825
# text = Savet eo.
# text[eng] = She has got up.
> text[fra] = Elle est levée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:40:835
# text = Kousket on.
# text[eng] = I am asleep.
> text[fra] = Je dors.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:41:845
# text = Kousket am eus.
# text[eng] = I have slept.
> text[fra] = J'ai dormi.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:42:855
# text = Lenn a ra Lenaig al levr.
# text[eng] = Lenaig reads the book.
> text[fra] = Lenaig lit le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:43:873
# text = Lennet he deus Lenaig al levr.
# text[eng] = Lenaig has read the book.
> text[fra] = Lenaig a lu le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:44:889
# text = Lennet eo al levr gant Lenaig.
# text[eng] = The book is read by Lenaig.
> text[fra] = Le livre est lu par Lenaig.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:45:907
# text = Bremañ e welan he deus lennet Lenaig al levr.
# text[eng] = I see now that Lenaig has read the book.
> text[fra] = Je vois maintenant que Leniag a lu le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:46:929
# text = Bremañ e welan eo lennet al levr gant Lenaig.
# text[eng] = I see now that the book is read by Lenaig.
> text[fra] = Je vois maintenant que le livre est lu par Lenaig.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:47:953
# text = Bremañ e lenn ar vugale.
# text[eng] = The children read now.
> text[fra] = Les enfants lisent maintenant.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:48:969
# text = Bremañ ne lenn ket ar vugale.
# text[eng] = The children do not read now. 
> text[fra] = Maintenant les enfants ne lisent pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:49:987
# text = Bremañ ne lennont ket ar vugale.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:50:1005
# text = Bremañ e lennont.
# text[eng] = They read now.
> text[fra] = Ils lisent maintenant.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:51:1017
# text = Bremañ ne lennont ket.
# text[eng] = They do not read now.
> text[fra] = Maintenant ils ne lisent pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:52:1031
# text = Bremañ e lennont int.
# text[eng] = They read now.
> text[fra] = Maintenant eux, ils lisent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:53:1045
# text = Ar vugale a ziskenn betek an hent.
# text[eng] = The children go down to the road.
> text[fra] = Les enfants descendent jusqu'à la route.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:54:1065
# text = Betek an hent e tiskenn ar vugale.
# text[eng] = The children go down to the road.
> text[fra] = Les enfants descendent jusqu'à la route.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:55:1085
# text = Ne ziskenn ket ar vugale betek an hent.
# text[eng] = The children don't go down to the road.
> text[fra] = Les enfants ne descendent pas jusqu'à la route.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:56:1107
# text = Emañ ar vugale o tiskenn.
# text[eng] = The children are going down.
> text[fra] = Les enfants descendent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:57:1123
# text = Emañ ar vugale 'tiskenn.
# text[eng] = The children are going down.
> text[fra] = Les enfants descendent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:58:1139
# text = Setu al levr a blij din.
# text[eng] = Here is the book i like.
> text[fra] = Voila le livre que j'aime.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:59:1158
# text = Ar vugale a zo kreñv.
# text[eng] = The children are strong.
> text[fra] = Les enfants sont solides.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:60:1174
# text = Setu an den a gontas an istor dimp.
# text[eng] = Here is the man who told us the story.
> text[fra] = Voici l'homme qui nous a raconté l'histoire.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:61:1197
# text = Setu an den na gontas ket an istor dimp.
# text[eng] = Here is the man who did not tell us the story.
> text[fra] = Voici l'homme qui ne nous a pas raconté l'histoire.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:62:1222
# text = Ne lavaras ket an den pelec'h e klevas an istor.
# text[eng] = The man did not say where he heard the story.
> text[fra] = L'homme ne dit pas où il a entendu l'histoire.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:63:1248
# text = Kollet eo al levr er skol.
# text[eng] = The book is lost in the school.
> text[fra] = Le livre est perdu à l'école.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:64:1266
# text = Koll a reas Yann al levr.
# text[eng] = Yann lost the book.
> text[fra] = Yann perdit le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:65:1284
# text = N'en deus ket kollet Yann al levr.
# text[eng] = Yann has not lost the book.
> text[fra] = Yann n'a pas perdu le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:66:1304
# text = Piv en deus prenet an ti ruz?
# text[eng] = Who has bought the red house?
> text[fra] = Qui a acheté la maison rouge ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:67:1322
# text = Yann en deus prenet anezhañ.
# text[eng] = Yann has bought it.
> text[fra] = Yann l'a achetée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:68:1336
# text = Petra en deus prenet Yann?
# text[eng] = What has Yann bought ?
> text[fra] = Qu'est-ce que Yann a acheté ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:69:1350
# text = Gant piv eo bet prenet an ti ruz?
# text[eng] = By whom was the red house bought?
> text[fra] = La maison rouge a été achetée par qui ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:70:1372
# text = Gouzout a ran ... e preno Yann ur wetur nevez.
# text[eng] = I know that ... Yann will buy a new car.
> text[fra] = Je sais que... Yann achètera une voiture neuve.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:71:1398
# text = Petra he deus prenet ?
# text[eng] = What has she bought?
> text[fra] = Qu'est-ce qu'elle a acheté ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:72:1410
# text = Pelec'h emañ ar vugale?
# text[eng] = Where are the children?
> text[fra] = Où sont les enfants ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:73:1424
# text = Pegoulz e teuio da gêr?
# text[eng] = When will he come home?
> text[fra] = Quand reviendra-t-il ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:74:1440
# text = Gant piv emañ Yann?
# text[eng] = With whom is Yann?
> text[fra] = Avec qui se trouve Yann ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:75:1454
# text = Hag o tont out?
# text[eng] = Are you coming?
> text[fra] = Tu viens ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:76:1468
# text = N'ouzon ket piv a zo aze.
# text[eng] = I don't know who is there.
> text[fra] = Je ne sais pas qui est là.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:77:1488
# text = Gouzout a rez pelec'h emañ.
# text[eng] = You know where it is.
> text[fra] = Tu sais où c'est.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:78:1504
# text = Al levr-mañ eo an hini am eus kavet.
# text[eng] = This book is the one I have found.
> text[fra] = C'est ce livre que j'ai trouvé.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:79:1526
# text = Al levr-mañ 'ni am eus kavet.
# text[eng] = This is the book I have found.
> text[fra] = C'est ce livre que j'ai trouvé.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:80:1544
# text = Fall eo an amzer ha glav a ra.
# text[eng] = The weather is bad and it is raining.
> text[fra] = Il fait mauvais et il pleut.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:81:1566
# text = Brav e vo an amzer pe glav a vo.
# text[eng] = The weather will be nice or it will rain.
> text[fra] = Le temps sera beau ou il pleuvra.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:82:1590
# text = Tomm eo an amzer met glav a vo.
# text[eng] = The weather is warm but it will rain.
> text[fra] = Le temps est chaud mais il va pleuvoir.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:83:1612
# text = Yann a chomo er ger rak fall eo an amzer.
# text[eng] = Yann will stay at home because the weather is bad.
> text[fra] = Yann restera à la maison car le temps est mauvais.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:84:1639
# text = Krediñ a ran e teuio Lenaig da gêr.
# text[eng] = I believe that Lenaig will come home.
> text[fra] = Je pense que Lenaig rentrera à la maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:85:1661
# text = Dont a raio Lenaig da gêr ma ve prest.
# text[eng] = Lenaig will come home if she is ready.
> text[fra] = Lenaig rentrera à la maison si elle est prête.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:86:1685
# text = Ma ve prest e teuio Lenaig da gêr.
# text[eng] = If she is ready Lenaig will come home.
> text[fra] = Si elle est prête Lenaig rentrera à la maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:87:1707
# text = Dont a raio Lenaig da gêr pa vo prest.
# text[eng] = Lenaig will come home when she is ready.
> text[fra] = Lenaig rentrera à la maison quand elle sera prête.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:88:1731
# text = Pa vo prest e teuio Lenaig da gêr.
# text[eng] = When he is ready Lenaig will come home.
> text[fra] = Quand elle sera prête Lenaig rentrera à la maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:89:1753
# text = Kavet am eus ul levr a blij din.
# text[eng] = I found found a book I like.
**> text[eng] = I found a book I like.**
> text[fra] = J'ai trouvé un livre qui me plaît.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:90:1774
# text = Setu ul levr na blij ket din.
# text[eng] = Here is a book I don't like.
> text[fra] = Voici un livre qui ne me plaît pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:91:1795
# text = An den ma gomzer dioutañ a zo amañ.
# text[eng] = The man we are talking about is here.
> text[fra] = L'homme dont nous parlons est ici.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:92:1818
# text = An hini ma lennan e levr a zo aze.
# text[eng] = The one whose book I am reading is there.
> text[fra] = Celui dont je lis le livre est ici.