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translations VIII - examples Ian Press (1986) - first part #15

Open MJouitteau opened 2 years ago

MJouitteau commented 2 years ago

I dropped grammar.vislcg.txt:200:3647 becuase it was doubling grammar.vislcg.txt:123:2311.

I checked in the source that sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:174:3148 had a determiner missing.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:93:1842
# text = Setu ar skouerenn : ar gantvet eo.
# text[eng] = Here is the copy: it's the hundredth.
> text[fra] = Voici l'exemplaire : c'est le centième.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:94:1862
# text = Un daou pe dri levr am eus lennet.
# text[eng] = I've read two or three books.
> text[fra] = J'ai lu deux ou trois livres.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:95:1882
# text = Me a gan.
# text[eng] = I sing.
> text[fra] = Je chante.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:96:1894
# text = Me a gane.
# text[eng] = I used to sing.
> text[fra] = Je chantais.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:97:1906
# text = Me a gano.
# text[eng] = I will sing.
> text[fra] = Je chanterai.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:98:1918
# text = Me a ganfe.
# text[eng] = I would sing.
> text[fra] = Je chanterais.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:99:1930
# text = Me a ganas.
# text[eng] = I sang.
> text[fra] = Je chantai.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:101:1958
# text = Me a oa o kanañ.
# text[eng] = I was singing.
> text[fra] = J'étais en train de chanter.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:102:1974
# text = Me a vo o kanañ.
# text[eng] = I will be singing.
> text[fra] = Je serai en train de chanter.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:103:1990
# text = Me a zo bet o kanañ.
# text[eng] = I have been singing.
> text[fra] = J'ai été en train de chanter.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:104:2008
# text = Me a vefe o kanañ.
# text[eng] = I would be singing.
> text[fra] = Je serais en train de chanter.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:105:2024
# text = Me am eus kanet.
# text[eng] = I have sung.
> text[fra] = J'ai chanté.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:106:2036
# text = Da Roazhon ez in-me.
# text[eng] = I'll go to Rennes.
> text[fra] = Moi j'irai à Rennes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:107:2052
# text = Me az kwel.
# text[eng] = I see you.
> text[fra] = Je te vois.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:108:2064
# text = Aet on d'o gwelout.
# text[eng] = I've gone to see them.
# text[eng] = I went to see them.
> text[fra] = Je suis allée les voir.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:109:2079
# text = E welet em eus.
# text[eng] = I've seen him.
> text[fra] = Je l'ai vu.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:110:2091
# text = Deuet eo d'am c'has gantañ.
# text[eng] = He's come to take me with him.
> text[fra] = Il est venu me prendre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:111:2109
# text = Buan 'ni e rede dre ar parkeier.
# text[eng] = It's quickly he would run through the fields.
> text[fra] = C'est rapidement qu'il courait à travers champs.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:112:2129
# text = N'he deus ket labouret a-walc'h se.
# text[eng] = She hasn't worked enough at that.
> text[fra] = Elle ne l'a pas assez travaillée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:113:2147
# text = Yaouank eo da c'hoar?
# text[eng] = Is your sister young?
> text[fra] = Ta soeur est jeune?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:114:2161
# text = Yaouank eo.
> text[eng] = She is young. 
> text[fra] = Elle est jeune. 

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:115:2171
# text = Dont a rin.
> text[eng] = I will come. 
> text[fra] = Je viendrai.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:116:2183
# text = War-lerc'h eo chomet va yalc'h.
# text[eng] = I've forgotten my purse.
> text[fra] = J'ai oublié mon sac.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:117:2199
# text = An den a lavaras an dra-se a oa eno.
# text[eng] = The man who said that was there.
> text[fra] = L'homme qui a dit cela y était.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:118:2225
# text = Yann a zeuy hag a ray ur brezegenn.
# text[eng] = Yann will come and give a talk.
> text[fra] = Yann viendra et donnera une conférence.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:119:2247
# text = Debriñ a reomp hor boued.
# text[eng] = We eat our food.
> text[fra] = Nous mangeons notre nourriture.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:120:2263
# text = Klask a raint o mignoned.
# text[eng] = They'll look for their friends.
> text[fra] = Ils chercheront leurs amis.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:121:2279
# text = Gwelout a ran al loar.
# text[eng] = I see the moon.
> text[fra] = Je vois la lune.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:122:2295
# text = Selaou a rit an avel.
# text[eng] = You listen to the wind.
> text[fra] = Vous écoutez le vent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:124:2325
# text = Al laboused a nijo.
# text[eng] = The birds will fly.
> text[fra] = Les oiseaux voleront.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:125:2339
# text = Al levr a brenan.
# text[eng] = I buy the book.
> text[fra] = Le livre, je l'achète.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:126:2353
# text = Ouzh ar skeudenn e sellan.
# text[eng] = It's the picture I look at.
> text[fra] = C'est l'image que je regarde.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:127:2369
# text = Yannig a welit.
# text[eng] = You see Yannig.
> text[fra] = Vous voyez Yannig.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:128:2381
# text = Warc'hoazh e kouskint.
# text[eng] = Tomorrow they'll sleep.
> text[fra] = Demain ils dormiront.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:129:2393
# text = Ne zeuint ket.
# text[eng] = They won't come.
> text[fra] = Ils ne viendront pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:130:2405
# text = An dud-se ne lennont ket.
# text[eng] = Those people do not read.
> text[fra] = Ces gens ne lisent pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:131:2423
# text = Ne lenn ket an dud-se.
# text[eng] = Those people do not read.
> text[fra] = Ces gens ne lisent pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:132:2441
# text = Anavezout a ran tud na ouzont ket ar brezhoneg.
# text[eng] = I know people who don't know Breton.
> text[fra] = Je connais des gens qui ne savent pas le breton.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:133:2465
# text = Ar re na zebront ket o boued a yelo d'ar gwele.
# text[eng] = Those who do not eat their food will go to bed.
> text[fra] = Ceux qui ne mangent pas iront au lit.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:134:2494
# text = Ur velo c'hlas am eus.
# text[eng] = I have a blue bicycle.
> text[fra] = J'ai une bicyclette bleue.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:135:2508
# text = An ti-mañ a zo din.
# text[eng] = This house is mine.
> text[fra] = Cette maison est à moi.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:136:2527
# text = Ganti e oa teir yar.
# text[eng] = She had three hens.
> text[fra] = Elle avait trois poules.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:137:2544
# text = N'hon eus ket soñj.
# text[eng] = We don't remember.
> text[fra] = Nous ne nous souvenons pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:138:2558
# text = Mall a zo ganin.
> text[eng] = I can't wait.
> text[fra] = J'ai hâte.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:139:2573
# text = Daou zor a zo war an ti-se.
# text[eng] = That house has two doors.
> text[fra] = Cette maison a deux portes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:140:2595
# text = Setu an nor.
# text[eng] = Here is the door.
> text[fra] = Voici la porte.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:141:2607
# text = Er vag emaint.
# text[eng] = They're in the boat.
> text[fra] = Ils sont dans le bateau.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:142:2620
# text = Redek a ra en ur c'hoarzhin.
# text[eng] = He runs along laughing.
> text[fra] = Il court en riant.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:143:2638
# text = Emaint o sellout ouzh an dud o labourat er parkeier.
# text[eng] = They're looking at the people who are working in the fields.
> text[fra] = Ils regardent les gens travailler dans les champs.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:144:2665
# text = Emaint o sellout ouzh an dud en ur labourat er parkeier.
# text[eng] = They're looking at the people while they are working in the fields.
> text[fra] = Ils regardent les gens en travaillant dans les champs.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:145:2694
# text = E Lesneven e veze bemdez.
# text[eng] = He used to be in Lesneven every day.
> text[fra] = Il était à Lesneven tous les jours.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:146:2710
# text = En ti e viot?
# text[eng] = Will you be in the house?
> text[fra] = Seras-tu à la maison?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:147:2725
# text = Va breur a zo fur.
# text[eng] = My brother is good.
> text[fra] = Mon frère est sage.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:148:2741
# text = Fur eo va breur.
# text[eng] = My brother is good.
> text[fra] = Mon frère est sage.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:149:2755
# text = Ar merc'hed a zo fur.
# text[eng] = The girls are good.
> text[fra] = Les filles sont sages.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:150:2771
# text = Fur eo ar merc'hed.
# text[eng] = The girls are good.
> text[fra] = Les filles sont sages.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:151:2785
# text = Ma breur a zo kemener.
# text[eng] = My brother is a tailor.
> text[fra] = Mon frère est tailleur.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:152:2801
# text = Kemener eo va breur.
# text[eng] = My brother is a tailor.
> text[fra] = Mon frère est tailleur.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:153:2815
# text = Ma breur a zo en ti.
# text[eng] = My brother is in the house.
> text[fra] = Mon frère est à la maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:154:2834
# text = Emañ ma breur en ti.
# text[eng] = My brother is in the house.
> text[fra] = Mon frère est à la maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:155:2851
# text = En ti emañ ma breur.
# text[eng] = My brother is in the house.
> text[fra] = Mon frère est à la maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:156:2868
# text = Piv eo an den-se?
# text[eng] = Who is that man?
> text[fra] = Qui est cette personne ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:157:2884
# text = Labourat a raen gant ma mamm er parkeier.
# text[eng] = I used to work with my mother in the fields.
> text[fra] =Je travaillais avec ma mère dans les champs.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:158:2907
# text = Labourat ne rin biken ganeoc'h.
# text[eng] = I shall never work with you.
> text[fra] = je ne travaillerai jamais avec vous.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:159:2924
# text = Kouezhet en deus en ur zont.
# text[eng] = He fell while coming.
> text[fra] = Il est tombé en venant.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:160:2940
# text = Marvet en deus al leue bihan.
# text[eng] = The little calf has died.
> text[fra] = Le petit veau est mort.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:161:2956
# text = Kerzhout a ran.
# text[eng] = I walk.
> text[fra] = Je marche.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:162:2968
# text = Kerzhout a rin.
# text[eng] = I will walk.
> text[fra] = Je marcherai.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:163:2980
# text = Kerzhout a raen.
# text[eng] = I used to walk.
> text[fra] = Je marchais.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:164:2992
# text = Kerzhout a rafen.
# text[eng] = I would walk.
> text[fra] = Je marcherais.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:165:3004
# text = Kerzhout a rajen.
# text[eng] = I would walk.
> text[fra] = J'aurais marché.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:166:3016
# text = Kerzhout am eus graet.
# text[eng] = I have walked.
> text[fra] = J'ai marché.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:167:3028
# text = Da Gemper emaon o vont.
# text[eng] = I am going to Quimper.
> text[fra] = Je vais à Quimper.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:168:3044
# text = Da Gemper e vin o vont.
# text[eng] = I will be going to Quimper.
> text[fra] = J'irai à Quimper.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:169:3062
# text = Da Gemper e oan o vont.
# text[eng] = I was going to Quimper.
> text[fra] = J'allais à Quimper.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:170:3080
# text = Da Gemper e vefen o vont.
# text[eng] = I would be going to Quimper.
> text[fra] = J'irais à Quimper.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:171:3098
# text = Lennet en deus Yann al levr.
# text[eng] = Yann has read the book.
> text[fra] = Yann a lu le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:172:3114
# text = Yann en deus lennet al levr.
# text[eng] = Yann has read the book.
> text[fra] = Yann a lu le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:173:3130
# text = Dibabet he do Mari ar falc'h-se.
# text[eng] = Mari will have chosen that scythe.
> text[fra] = Marie aura choisi cette faux.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:174:3148
# text = Kavet o doa ar soudarded c'hazh dindan ar gador.
# text[eng] = The soldiers had found the cat under the chair.
> text = Kavet o doa ar soudarded ar c'hazh dindan ar gador.
> text[fra] = Les soldats avaient trouvé un chat sous la chaise.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:175:3170
# text = Kavet em eus bet al levr.
# text[eng] = I've found the book.
> text[fra] = J'ai trouvé le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:176:3186
# text = Savet eo bet dija.
# text[eng] = He's already got up.
> text[fra] = Il est déjà levé.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:177:3200
# text = Bet em eus tri lur diganti.
# text[eng] = I've had three francs off her.
> text[fra] = J'ai eu trois francs d'elle.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:178:3217
# text = Kollet eo bet ar voutailh gant Lan.
# text[eng] = The bottle has been lost by Lan.
> text[fra] = Lan a perdu la bouteille.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:179:3237
# text = Gant Lan eo bet kollet ar voutailh.
# text[eng] = The bottle has been lost by Lan.
> text[fra] = La bouteille a été perdue par Lan.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:180:3257
# text = Ar voutailh a zo bet kollet gant Lan.
# text[eng] = The bottle has been lost by Lan.
> text[fra] = La bouteille a été perdue par Lan.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:181:3279
# text = Me a zo bet roet ul levr din gant Yannig.
# text[eng] = I have been given a book by Yannig.
> text[fra] = J'ai reçu un livre de Yannig.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:182:3306
# text = Al levr a lenner.
# text[eng] = The book is read.
> text[fra] = On lit le livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:183:3320
# text = Degouezhet eo ganin ho lizher.
# text[eng] = I've got your letter.
> text[fra] = J'ai reçu votre lettre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:184:3337
# text = Kresket eo an dud en hon ti.
# text[eng] = There's been an addition to the family.
> text[fra] = Notre maisonnée s'est agrandie.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:185:3357
# text = Ar vugale en em vag.
# text[eng] = The children feed themselves.
> text[fra] = Les enfants se nourrissent eux-mêmes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:186:3373
# text = En em vagañ a ra ar vugale.
# text[eng] = The children feed themselves.
> text[fra] = Les enfants se nourrissent eux-mêmes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:187:3393
# text = Ar vugale n'en em vagont ket.
# text[eng] = The children do not feed themselves.
> text[fra] = Les enfants ne se nourrissent pas eux-mêmes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:188:3413
# text = N'en em vag ket ar vugale.
# text[eng] = The children do not feed themselves.
> text[fra] = Les enfants ne se nourrissent pas eux-mêmes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:189:3433
# text = En em c'houlenn a ran hag-eñ e teuy pe ne zeuy ket.
# text[eng] = I wonder if he will come or not.
> text[fra] = Je me demande si il viendra ou pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:189:3433
# text = Ar armeoù en em gann.
# text[eng] = The armies fight.
> text[fra] = Les armées se battent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:191:3479
# text = N'en em garont ket an eil egile.
# text[eng] = They don't like each other.
> text[fra] = Ils ne s'aiment pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:192:3501
# text = Fall eo ganti.
# text[eng] = She's not well.
> text[fra] = Elle ne se sent pas bien.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:193:3514
# text = Int a fell dezho c'hoari ganin.
# text[eng] = They want to play with me.
> text[fra] = Elles, elles veulent jouer avec moi.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:194:3534
# text = Fellout a reas din kavout ma breur.
# text[eng] = I wanted to find my brother.
> text[fra] = J'ai voulu trouver mon frère.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:195:3555
# text = Hi a blijfe dezhi debriñ ur grampouezhenn vras.
# text[eng] = She'd like to eat a big crêpe.
> text[fra] = Elle voudrait manger une grande crêpe.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:196:3578
# text = Plijout a rafe deomp ober un dro e Montroulez.
# text[eng] = We'd like to go for a walk in Morlaix.
> text[fra] = Nous voudrions faire un tour à Morlaix.