UniversalDependencies / UD_Breton-KEB

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translations IX - examples Ian Press (1986) - second part #16

Open MJouitteau opened 2 years ago

MJouitteau commented 2 years ago

I corrected the Breton data, after checking the source of three exs. sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:217:3958 has a typo. ("gwelet', not 'gwelout"). sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:251:4592 ("da vezañ", not "da verañ") sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:267:4965 ("da" is missing")

sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:267:4965 is an example of a dropped determiner trigerring mutation (kartoù, ar c'hartoù).

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:197:3603
# text = Ar sae a brenan.
# text[eng] = I buy the dress.
> text[fra] = J'achète la robe.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:198:3617
# text = Yannig a welez.
# text[eng] = You see Yannig.
> text[fra] = Tu vois Yannig.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:199:3629
# text = Amañ e kavo-hi ur wetur.
# text[eng] = She'll find a car here.
> text[fra] = Elle trouvera une voiture ici.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:200:3647
# text = Kousket ne rin ket.
# text[eng] = I'll not sleep.
> text[fra] = Je ne dormirai pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:201:3661
# text = Ne'z ajen ket.
# text[eng] = I wouldn't go.
> text[fra] = Je ne serais pas allée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:202:3673
# text = Me ne brenin ket an dra-se.
# text[eng] = I'll not buy that.
> text[fra] = Moi je n'achèterai pas ça.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:203:3693
# text = Ne daolimp ket ar bili war ar geot.
# text[eng] = We won't throw pebbles onto the grass.
> text[eng] = We won't throw the pebbles onto the grass.
> text[fra] = On ne jettera pas les galets sur la pelouse.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:204:3715
# text = Va zud ne ouzont ket.
> text[eng] = My family doesn't know.
> text[fra] = Ma famille ne le sait pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:205:3731
# text = Ne oar ket va zud.
> text[eng] = My family doesn't know.
> text[fra] = Ma famille ne le sait pas.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:206:3747
# text = Brav he deus lammet.
# text[eng] = She jumped well.
> text[fra] = Elle a bien sauté.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:207:3759
# text = Skuizh-bras eo hi.
> text[eng] = She's very tired.
> text[fra] = Elle est très fatiguée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:208:3772
# text = Pegement e labour-hi e-pad an devezh?
# text[eng] = How much does she work during the day?
> text[fra] = Elle travaille combien par jour ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:209:3792
# text = Va gwreg ne vo ket eno kennebeut.
# text[eng] = My wife will not be there either.
> text[fra] = Ma femme n'y sera pas non plus.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:210:3812
# text = Ar merc'hed hepken a zeuy d'ar c'hendalc'h.
# text[eng] = Only the girls will come to the congress.
> text[fra] = Seules les femmes viendront au congrès.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:211:3833
# text = N'he deus klasket zoken gwalc'hiñ he belo.
# text[eng] = She hasn't even tried to wash her bicycle.
> text[fra] = Elle n'a même pas cherché à laver son vélo.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:212:3853
# text = Yann a rae stamm, Mari a laboure.
# text[eng] = Yann knitted, Mari worked.
> text[fra] = Yann tricotait, Marie travaillait.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:213:3875
# text = Yann a davas, Mari e oa skuizh.
> text[eng] = Yann became silent, Mari was tired.
> text[fra] = Yann se tût, Marie était fatiguée.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:214:3897
# text = Setu an dorgenn ma savas-hi he zi warni.
# text[eng] = Here is the hill where she built her house.
> text[fra] = Voici la colline sur laquelle elle a construit sa maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:215:3922
# text = Gwelout e vignonez a ra Yann.
# text[eng] = Yann sees his girlfriend.
> text[fra] = Yann voit sa copine.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:216:3940
# text = Gwelout e vignonez en deus graet Yann.
> text[eng] = Yann has seen his girlfriend.
> text[fra] = Yann a vu sa copine.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:217:3958
# text = Gwelout en deus Yann e vignonez.
# text[eng] = Yann sees his girlfriend.
> text = Gwelet en deus Yann e vignonez.
> text[eng] = Yann has seen his girlfriend.
> text[fra] = Yann a vu sa copine.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:218:3974
# text = Klask a ra Yann ul levr.
# text[eng] = Yann seeks a book.
> text[fra] = Yann cherche un livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:219:3992
# text = Klask ul levr a ra Yann.
# text[eng] = Yann seeks a book.
> text[fra] = Yann cherche un livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:220:4010
# text = Yann a zibab ul levr.
# text[eng] = Yann chooses a book.
> text[fra] = Yann choisit un livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:221:4026
# text = Ul levr a zibab Yann.
# text[eng] = Yann chooses a book.
> text[fra] = Yann choisit un livre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:222:4042
# text = Yann a wel Morwenna.
# text[eng] = Yann sees Morwenna.
> text[fra] = Yann voit Morwenna.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:223:4056
# text = Morwenna a wel Yann.
# text[eng] = Yann sees Morwenna.
> text[fra] = Yann voit Morwenna.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:224:4070
# text = Morwenna e wel Yann.
# text[eng] = Yann sees Morwenna.
> text[fra] = Yann voit Morwenna.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:225:4084
# text = El liorzh e c'hortoz Yann.
# text[eng] = Yann waits in the garden.
> text[fra] = Yann attend dans le jardin.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:226:4101
# text = Piv a wel Yannig ?
# text[fra] = Qui a vu Yannig ?
> text[fra] = Qui voit Yannig ?

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:227:4115
# text = Mari a wel Yannig.
# text[fra] = Mari a vu Yannig.
> text[fra] = Marie voit Yannig.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:228:4129
# text = Al labour e kavo mat.
# text[eng] = He'll find the work good.
> text[fra] = Il appréciera le travail.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:229:4145
# text = Diskouezit din an ti !
# text[eng] = Show me the house!
> text[fra] = Montrez-moi la maison!

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:230:4160
# text = Na ziskouezit ket din an ti !
# text[eng] = Don't show me the house!
> text[fra] = Ne me montrez pas la maison !

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:231:4179
# text = Va selaouit!
# text[eng] = Listen to me!
> text[fra] = Écoutez-moi !

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:232:4189
# text = Na selaouit ket ac'hanon!
# text[eng] = Don't listen to me!
> text[fra] = Ne m'écoutez pas !

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:233:4203
# text = Pesketaer e vo Yannig a-hed e vuhez.
# text[eng] = Yannig will be a fisherman all his life.
> text[fra] = Yannig sera pêcheur toute sa vie.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:234:4223
# text = Yannig a vo pesketaer a-hed e vuhez.
# text[eng] = Yannig will be a fisherman all his life.
> text[fra] = Yannig sera pêcheur toute sa vie.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:235:4243
# text = A-hed e vuhez e vo Yannig pesketaer.
# text[eng] = Yannig will be a fisherman all his life.
> text[fra] = Yannig sera pêcheur toute sa vie.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:236:4263
# text = Debriñ a ra Mona he boued er gegin.
# text[eng] = Mona eats her food here in the kitchen.
> text[eng] = Mona eats her food in the kitchen.
> text[fra] = Mona mange son repas dans la cuisine.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:237:4286
# text = Mona a zebr he boued er gegin.
# text[eng] = Mona eats her food here in the kitchen.
> text[eng] = Mona eats her food in the kitchen.
> text[fra] = Mona mange son repas dans la cuisine.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:238:4307
# text = He boued e tebr Mona er gegin.
# text[eng] = Mona eats her food here in the kitchen.
> text[eng] = Mona eats her food in the kitchen.
> text[fra] = Mona mange son repas dans la cuisine.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:239:4328
# text = Ne gavo ket ho preudeur a labour e Pariz.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find work in Paris.
> text[fra] = Vos frères ne trouveront pas d'emploi à Paris.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:240:4352
# text = Ne gavo ho preudeur labour ebet e Pariz.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find any work in Paris.
> text[fra] = Vos frères ne trouveront aucun emploi à Paris.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:241:4374
# text = E Pariz ne gavo ho preudeur a labour.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find work in Paris.
> text[fra] = Point ne trouveront d'emploi vos frères à Paris.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:242:4396
# text = E Pariz ne gavo ho preudeur labour ebet.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find work in Paris.
> text[fra] = À Paris, vos frères ne trouveront aucun emploi.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:243:4418
# text = Ho preudeur ne gavint ket a labour e Pariz.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find work in Paris.
> text[fra] = Vos frères ne trouveront pas d'emploi à Paris.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:244:4442
# text = Ho preudeur ne gavint labour ebet e Pariz.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find work in Paris.
> text[fra] = Vos frères ne trouveront aucun emploi à Paris.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:245:4464
# text = E Pariz ho preudeur ne gavint ket a labour.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find work in Paris.
> text[fra] = A Paris vos frères ne trouveront pas d'emploi.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:246:4488
# text = E Pariz ho preudeur ne gavint labour ebet.
# text[eng] = Your brothers will not find work in Paris.
> text[fra] = A Paris vos frères ne trouveront aucun emploi.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:247:4510
# text = Labourer-douar eo bet Yannig e-pad daou vloaz.
# text[eng] = Yannig has been a farm worker for two years.
> text[fra] = Yannig a été agriculteur pendant deux ans.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:248:4530
# text = Yannig a zo bet labourer-douar e-pad daou vloaz.
# text[eng] = Yannig has been a farm worker for two years.
> text[fra] = Yannig a été agriculteur pendant deux ans.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:249:4552
# text = E-pad daou vloaz eo bet labourer-douar Yannig.
# text[eng] = Yannig has been a farm worker for two years.
> text[fra] = Pendant deux ans Yannig a été agriculteur.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:250:4572
# text = Bet eo Yannig labourer-douar e-pad daou vloaz.
# text[eng] = Yannig has been a farm worker for two years.
> text[fra] = Yannig a été agriculteur pendant deux ans.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:251:4592
# text = Deut eo Yannig da verañ labourer-douar.
# text[eng] = Yannig has become a farm worker.
> text = Deut eo Yannig da vezañ labourer-douar.
> text[fra] = Yannig est devenu agriculteur.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:252:4610
# text = Debriñ en deus graet Yann e voued er wetur.
# text[eng] = Yann has eaten his food in the car.
> text[fra] = Yann a mangé son repas dans la voiture.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:253:4633
# text = Yann en deus debret e voued er wetur.
# text[eng] = Yann has eaten his food in the car.
> text[fra] = Yann a mangé son repas dans la voiture.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:254:4654
# text = E voued en deus debret Yann er wetur.
# text[eng] = Yann has eaten his food in the car.
> text[fra] = Son repas, Yann l'a mangé dans la voiture.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:255:4675
# text = Debret en deus Yann e voued er wetur.
# text[eng] = Yann has eaten his food in the car.
> text[fra] = Yann a mangé son repas dans la voiture.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:256:4696
# text = E zebret en deus Yann er wetur.
# text[eng] = Yann ate it in the car.
> text[fra] = Yann l'a mangé dans la voiture.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:257:4715
# text = N'o deus ket gwelet ar wazed an ti-se.
# text[eng] = The men haven't seen that house.
> text[fra] = Les hommes n'ont pas vu cette maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:258:4739
# text = Ar wazed n'o deus ket gwelet an ti-se.
# text[eng] = The men haven't seen that house.
> text[fra] = Les hommes n'ont pas vu cette maison.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:259:4763
# text = An ti-se n'o deus ket gwelet ar wazed.
# text[eng] = The men haven't seen that house.
> text[fra] = Cette maison, les hommes ne l'ont pas vue.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:260:4787
# text = An ti-se ar wazed n'o deus ket e welet.
# text[eng] = The men haven't seen that house.
> text[fra] = Cette maison, les hommes ne l'ont pas vue.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:261:4813
# text = O naetaat e oa Divi e gambrig-kousket gant evezh.
# text[eng] = Divi was carefully cleaning his bedroom.
> text[fra] = Divi nettoyait méticuleusement sa chambre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:262:4837
# text = Divi a oa o naetaat e gambrig-kousket gant evezh.
# text[eng] = Divi was carefully cleaning his bedroom.
> text[fra] = Divi nettoyait méticuleusement sa chambre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:263:4861
# text = E gambrig-kousket e oa Divi o naetaat gant evezh.
# text[eng] = Divi was carefully cleaning his bedroom.
> text[fra] = Divi nettoyait méticuleusement sa chambre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:264:4885
# text = Bet eo Divi o naetaat e gambrig-kousket gant evezh.
# text[eng] = Divi has been carefully cleaning his bedroom.
> text[fra] = Divi a nettoyé méticuleusement sa chambre.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:265:4909
# text = O naetaat anezhi e oa Divi gant evezh.
# text[eng] = Divi was cleaning it carefully.
> text[fra] = Divi la nettoyait méticuleusement.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:266:4931
# text = Disul, goude an oferenn, ar beleg a zo aet da c'hoari c'hartoù.
# text[eng] = Last Sunday, after mass, the priest went to play cards.
> text[fra] = Dimanche après la messe, le prêtre est allé joué aux cartes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:267:4965
# text = Disul, goude an oferenn, ez eo aet ar beleg c'hoari c'hartoù.
# text[eng] = Last Sunday, after mass, the priest went to play cards.
> text = Disul, goude an oferenn, ez eo aet ar beleg da c'hoari c'hartoù.
> text[fra] = Dimanche après la messe, le prêtre est allé joué aux cartes.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:268:4997
# text = Me a yelo di hag a gavo an teñzor.
# text[eng] = I will go there and find the treasure.
> text[fra] = J'y irai et je trouverai le trésor.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:269:5021
# text = C'hwi a yelo, pe e kavo Lan hoc'h arc'hant.
# text[eng] = You'll go or Lan will find your money.
> text[fra] = Vous y irez, ou bien Lan trouvera votre argent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:270:5047
# text = Me a breno ar sae, hogen c'hwi a wisko anezhi.
# text[eng] = I'll buy the dress but you'll wear it.
> text[fra] = J'achèterai la robe mais vous la mettrez.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:271:5075
# text = Rodig hag a dro, a ra bro.
# text[eng] = A wheel that turns, travels.
> text[fra] =  Petite roue qui tourne parcourt du pays.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:272:5097
# text = Pa c'hellin dont, e teuin.
# text[eng] = If I can come, I will come.
> text[fra] = Si je peux venir, je viendrai.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:273:5115
# text = Int a zeuy pa roy mammig dezho arc'hant.
# text[eng] = They'll come when mum will give them money.
> text[fra] = Ils viendront quand maman leur donnera de l'argent.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:274:5138
# text = Int a zeuy pe a yay.
# text[eng] = They will come or go.
> text[fra] = Ils feront des aller-retours.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:275:5156
# text = Me 'lavar deoc'h ar marc'h-se a oa re gozh.
# text[eng] = I tell you that horse was too old.
> text[fra] = Je vous dis que ce cheval était trop vieux.

# sent_id = grammar.vislcg.txt:276:5185
# text = N'em eus ket kavet ar mignon-se da Ber
# text[eng] = I haven't found that friend of Per's
> text = N'em eus ket kavet ar mignon-se da Ber.
> text[fra] = Je n'ai pas trouvé cet ami de Pierre.