UniversalDependencies / UD_English-GUM

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Non-fraction number #60

Closed AngledLuffa closed 2 years ago

AngledLuffa commented 2 years ago

I'm certain 1.428,000 represents a cardinal number (perhaps as a typo)

# sent_id = GUM_voyage_lodz-34
# s_prominence = 2
# s_type = decl
# transition = continue
# text = At first glance, for a city of 760,000 and agglomeration of 1.428,000, there does not seem to be much to see.
1       At      at      ADP     IN      _       3       case    3:case  Discourse=adversative-concession:80->82:1
2       first   first   ADJ     JJ      Degree=Pos|NumType=Ord  3       amod    3:amod  _
3       glance  glance  NOUN    NN      Number=Sing     18      obl     18:obl:at       SpaceAfter=No
4       ,       ,       PUNCT   ,       _       3       punct   3:punct _
5       for     for     ADP     IN      _       7       case    7:case  _
6       a       a       DET     DT      Definite=Ind|PronType=Art       7       det     7:det   Entity=(1-place-giv:act-cf1*-2,6-coref-Łódź
7       city    city    NOUN    NN      Number=Sing     18      obl     18:obl:for      _
8       of      of      ADP     IN      _       9       case    9:case  _
9       760,000 760000  NUM     CD      NumForm=Digit|NumType=Card      7       nmod    7:nmod:of       Entity=(151-person-new-cf2-1-sgl)
10      and     and     CCONJ   CC      _       11      cc      11:cc   _
11      agglomeration   agglomeration   NOUN    NN      Number=Sing     7       conj    7:conj:and|18:obl:for   _
12      of      of      ADP     IN      _       13      case    13:case _
13      1.428,000       1.428000        NUM     CD      NumForm=Digit|NumType=Frac      11      nmod    11:nmod:of      Entity=(152-person-new-cf3-1-sgl)1)|SpaceAfter=No
nschneid commented 2 years ago

And the lemma should probably be 1428000

amir-zeldes commented 2 years ago

Will fix