UniversalDependencies / UD_German-GSD

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Comparative "wie" #8

Closed fhennig closed 7 years ago

fhennig commented 7 years ago

"In dem Termin lief alles wie besprochen."

I am unsure how this should be annotated. I found the sentence in the UD treebank, with

wie >cc besprochen
besprochen >conj lief

But I think maybe

wie >mark besprochen
besprochen >advcl lief

is the correct annotation?

I found English sentences where "as conceived" is attached that way and I think it is the same phenomenon.

A different sentence: "Ich bin genauso alt wie Lukas."

I think here it should be

wie >case Lukas
Lukas >obl alt
bin >cop alt
genauso >advmod alt
Ich >subj alt

So if the comparative is using a noun as a comparison it can be a simple obl or nmod. This is in line with the English annotations.

jnivre commented 7 years ago

I don't really know German, but your arguments make total sense to me. Comparatives and related constructions are tricky in general, because they are often elliptical. Therefore, it can be discussed whether the nominal case ("Lukas") should be "obl" or "advcl" (with promotion of subject). But using "obl" when possible is a simple and straightforward solution.

dan-zeman commented 7 years ago

The "wie besprochen" definitely is not coordination. I will look into fixing the bug.

I think the relation between alt and Lukas should not be advcl because the guidelines say somewhere that if the standard of comparison is a simple nominal, we do not treat it as ellipsis. So probably it should be obl (there is another question whether obl or nmod and I am a bit uncomfortable with the preference for obl but it seems to be what the majority is doing).

dan-zeman commented 7 years ago

Fixed in https://github.com/UniversalDependencies/UD_German/commit/26dceb12360d3ca5d79cc823f3b7612d5e11c8f1.