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wrong compounds: Ramses II #29

Open vcvpaiva opened 3 years ago

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

newdoc id = w01051 sent_id = w01051032 text = Na pressa de capturar Kadesh, Ramsés II cometeu um grande erro tático. texten = In his haste to capture Kadesh, Ramesses II committed a major tactical error. 1-2 Na 1 Em em ADP INDT 3 case 2 a o DET Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 3 det 3 pressa pressa NOUN NN Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 10 obl 4 de de ADP IN 5 case 5 capturar VERB VB 3 xcomp 6 Kadesh Kadesh PROPN NNP Gender=Fem|Number=Sing 5 obj SpaceAfter=No 7 , , PUNCT , 3 punct 8 Ramsés Ramsés PROPN NNP Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 10 nsubj 9 II ADJ JJ Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 8 compound Proper=True 10 cometeu cometer VERB VBC Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past 0 root 11 um um DET DT Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 13 det 12 grande grande ADJ JJ Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 13 amod 13 erro erro NOUN NN Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 10 obj 14 tático tático ADJ JJ Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 13 amod _ SpaceAfter=No

"his" is missing in the translation and Ramses II shouldn't be compound 15 . . PUNCT . 10 punct _

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

wrong Tutmés III

sent_id = w01052038 text = O faraó egípcio encontrou-se assim no norte de Amurru, bem depois de Kadesh, em Tunip, onde nenhum soldado egípcio tinha sido visto desde a época de Tutmés III, quase 120 anos antes. text_en = The Egyptian pharaoh thus found himself in northern Amurru, well past Kadesh, in Tunip, where no Egyptian soldier had been seen since the time of Thutmose III almost 120 years earlier.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

wrong compound Paulo VI, perhaps?

newdoc id = w04003 sent_id = w04003025 text = Em agosto de 1969, o Papa Paulo VI removeu a pena de morte da lei do Vaticano e a revogou de todas as infrações. text_en = In August 1969, Pope Paul VI removed the death penalty from the Vatican law and revoked it from all offences.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

Amintas I

sent_id = w01005022 text = Finalmente, por volta de 512-511 a.C., o rei macedônio Amintas I aceitou o domínio dos Aquemênidas e rendeu o seu país como um estado vassalo à Pérsia aquemênida. text_en = Eventually, in about 512-511 BC, the Macedonian king Amyntas I accepted the Achaemenid domination and surrendered his country as a vassal state to the Achaemenid Persia.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

more "Tutmés III"

sent_id = w01065020 text = A cidade cananeia foi destruída em um incêndio, presumivelmente na sequência de uma campanha do faraó egípcio Tutmés III. text_en = The Canaanite city was destroyed in a fire, presumably in the wake of a campaign by the Egyptian pharaoh Thutmose III.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

Edward IV and Richard III

newdoc id = w01142 sent_id = w01142013 text = Quando sua filha Cecília se casou com Ricardo Plantageneta, o 3º Duque de York, e teve vários filhos, incluindo Eduardo IV e Ricardo III, Joana se tornou avó de dois reis da dinastia York de Inglaterra. text_en = When their daughter Cecily married Richard Plantagenet, the 3rd Duke of York, and had several offspring, including Edward IV and Richard III, Joan became the grandmother of two York kings of England.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

I believe Great Britain is also not a compound, neither is "latino americano"

newdoc id = n02027 sent_id = n02027007 text = De acordo com Parker, agentes do Serviço Secreto Russo estão ativos em grande número na Grã Bretanha. text_en = According to Parker, Russian Secret Service agents are active in large numbers in Great Britain.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

King Franz Joseph I

sent_id = w02014030 text = Depois do Compromisso, o Imperador e Rei Francisco José I tomou muito cuidado para lidar com ambas monarquias igualmente. text_en = After the Compromise, Emperor and King Franz Joseph I. took great care to treat both of his monarchies equally.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

Henry I

sent_id = w04006065 text = Somente um punhado deles (condados) existiram sob Henrique I e estes foram, em grande parte, simbólicos. text_en = Only a handful of them (earldoms) had existed under Henry I and these had been largely symbolic.

vcvpaiva commented 3 years ago

Luis X, Felipe V and Carlos IV

newdoc id = w05007 sent_id = w05007004 text = No entanto, se a lei inglesa tivesse sido aceita, as filhas de Luíz X, Felipe V e Carlos IV teriam mais direito a reinvindicar o trono, acima de Isabella da França, tia delas. text_en = Nonetheless, if the English law had been accepted, the daughters of Luis X, Felipe V and Carlos IV would have had more of a claim to the throne, above their aunt Isabella of France.