UniversalDependencies / UD_Swedish-LinES

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Elliptic NP with questionable choice of promoted head in second to last adjective #3

Open rueter opened 5 years ago

rueter commented 5 years ago
sent_id = 4307
# text = Det här landet kan behöva ännu flera vita såna som ni, skriv opp det!
1   Det det DET DEM-SG  Definite=Def|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|PronType=Art   3   det _   _
2   här här ADV _   _   1   fixed   _   _
3   landet  land    NOUN    SG-DEF-NOM  Case=Nom|Definite=Def|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing   5   nsubj   _   _
4   kan kunna   AUX PRES-AUX    Mood=Ind|Tense=Pres|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act  5   aux _   _
5   behöva  behöva  VERB    INF-ACT VerbForm=Inf|Voice=Act  0   root    _   _
6   ännu    ännu    ADV _   _   7   advmod  _   _
7   flera   fler    ADJ POS-PL-IND  Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Degree=Pos|Number=Plur    8   amod    _   _
8   vita    vit ADJ POS-PL-IND  Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Degree=Pos|Number=Plur    5   obj _   _
9   såna    sådan   ADJ POS-PL-IND  Case=Nom|Definite=Ind|Degree=Pos|Number=Plur    8   amod    _   _
10  som som ADP CMP _   11  case    _   _
11  ni  ni  PRON    PERS-P2PL-NOM   Case=Nom|Definite=Def|Gender=Com|Number=Sing|PronType=Prs   9   nmod    _   SpaceAfter=No
12  ,   ,   PUNCT   Comma   _   13  punct   _   _
13  skriv   skriva  VERB    IMP-ACT Mood=Imp|VerbForm=Fin|Voice=Act 5   parataxis   _   _
14  opp opp ADV _   _   13  compound:prt    _   _
15  det det PRON    PERS-P3SG   Definite=Def|Gender=Neut|Number=Sing|PronType=Prs   13  obj _   SpaceAfter=No
16  !   !   PUNCT   ExclMark    _   5   punct   _   _

It appears that the elliptic NP ännu flera vita såna has an erroneous promoted head.

advmod(flera, ännu)
amod(vita, flera)
amod(vita, såna)

Wouldn't this be better as:

advmod(flera, ännu)
amod(såna, flera)
amod(såna, vita)

The next question would then be whether the UPOS value of såna should be retained as ADJ or PRON. Both occur in the LinES data.

LarsAhrenberg commented 5 years ago

The English source has the NP 'white people like you', where 'people' is the head. Thus, 'vita' serves as the translation of 'white people'. The question for me is rather whether I should treat it as a NOUN rather than an ADJ, but I definitely want to analyse it as the head.

rueter commented 5 years ago

Sorry, I hadn't consulted the English source language. I found it interesting that the ADJ/PRON sådana~såna is being neglected 'white people like you' is translated as 'vita [såna] som ni', so would the back-translation be something like: 'a few more whites ones like you' Would 'såna' in 'såna som ni' then translate back to 'ones' as in 'ones like you' ?

Thanks for your clarification.

I was actually looking to see whether Swedish had a construction where the pro-adjective 'sådana' took a modifier. In Finnish the pro-adjective 'sellainen' can take a modifier, but once again only in an elliptic context.

In fact, the Finnish ADJ/PRON can also take a noun modifier 'olut' = 'beer' >> olutsellainen


...on tuotu suuri [alkoholi#teltta] (ei siis pelkkä [olut#sellainen])... '...they've brought a big [alcohol#tent] (not just a [beer#one])...'

LarsAhrenberg commented 5 years ago

You can find several examples of the construction you're interested in by searching Swedish corpora via Korp. Here are just a few examples from Swedish novels:

Manliga advokater föredrar oftast alldagliga kvinnliga domare framför vackra sådana. Alltsedan det tyska ekonomiska undret kom igång på skarpen har inflödet av tyskar, rika sådana, varit tämligen stort där nere. hon hade insett att det inte är så lätt att frigöra sig från vanor, inte ens plågsamma sådana.

But *ölsådana is not possible in Swedish nor any noun modifier