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Clausal complements with different subject in Finnic #416

Closed ftyers closed 6 years ago

ftyers commented 7 years ago

We're looking at sentences like:

Ma panin sinu nutma
Minä sain hänet iktemään   "I made him cry"
Ma keelan sind vastamast
Minä kiellän sinut vastaamasta   "I forbid you from.answering"

In the Finnish treebank, there is a separate xcomp:ds relation for these kind of sentences where the subject case is controlled by the main verb, but it is the subject of the subordinate verb. This is different from how it is done in other languages (e.g. English) where we have him/you as obj of made/forbid and then cry/answering as xcomp to made/forbid.

@fginter @jmnybl Are you going to keep this analysis in the v2 Finnish ? Should we do the same for Estonian ? At the moment in Estonian we have the English-style analysis.

Ma keelan sind vastamast
nsubj(keelan, Ma)
obj(keelan, sind)
xcomp(keelan, vastamast)
nschneid commented 7 years ago

With respect to English, this was discussed in #371 and is documented here, ex. (7), and here, ex. (18-19). So if the Finnish construction works like in English, I would expect it should be changed so that the embedded subject is instead the matrix object.

jnivre commented 7 years ago

I would also argue that, unless there are hidden complexities not clear to me, both Estonian and Finnish should follow the universal guidelines, which are used not only for English but for most other languages (if I am not mistaken).