UniversalDevicesInc / UD-Mobile-iOS

Issue-only repository for tracking issues related to the UD Mobile iOS App
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Add Manual Refresh Status, and Resync controls/commands to Settings #6

Open BitArtOnLine opened 3 years ago

BitArtOnLine commented 3 years ago

No way for a user to request a refresh of statuses (preferably by the page being viewed), or a way to easily initiate a resync of ISY nodes. Currently a resync can be accomplished by settings-> then save. It would be preferable to allow a direct Resync button. There is presently no way to manually initiate a page refresh. This becomes necessary in the IOS UDM app because even after a user initiates app rotation (thumbs through a list of all the loaded apps in the iPhone, typically to momentarily switch between another app and the UDM, etc.), all of the current page statuses are cleared. The new function would just request the statuses for devices in the current page (or if too difficult due to program organization, refresh just the currently selected folder/group).

JavierRefuerzo commented 3 years ago

We can move a single node request in the Node Dashboard View Controller to ViewDidAppear which will call for a single nodes status when the app is reopened. Requesting multiples node status on the Home View Controller would most likely cause a longer delay as the node status inserts into the database are queued after subscription connection. This would add more items to the queue, most likely the end of the que as the queue is filled immediately on subscription connection.