UniversalDot / universal-dot-front-end

An API + React based template for building Substrate Front Ends
The Unlicense
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Phase 2 research: UI/UX and features #25

Open slaveatanasov opened 2 years ago

slaveatanasov commented 2 years ago
  1. UI/UX research: Explore freelancing applications such as UpWork and Fiverr to understand how they work and to translate some of their features and design language to our project.
  2. Features research: Explore freelancing applications and misc applications for commonly used features and new ideas we can implement in this phase and the next ones.
stojanov-igor commented 2 years ago


  1. https://timeliness.app
  2. https://rymotely.co
  3. https://cardstack.com/#work
  4. https://asana.com/templates/for/other/cross-functional-project-plan

UI SVG Resources: https://undraw.co/illustrations

stojanov-igor commented 2 years ago

New Redesign of the User experience. Untitled.pdf

I am in discussion with the design team on how to better improve on this...

stojanov-igor commented 2 years ago

Hired a new designer to Create Figma files for the Dao.

The initial design is expected to be complete this week.

stojanov-igor commented 2 years ago

Initial design available here: https://www.figma.com/file/HHVZfIdNWrKOKNka6gdm5d/Emon?node-id=0%3A1

Finalized design is expected this week.