Open Mokchanic opened 1 month ago
Yes, this does not work.
Yes, this does not work.
thanks! I met the same problem and I now find out that 'use_tool_communication' is not for cb3 robots. if so, is there any method to control a robotiq gripper using ROS2 and Moveit?
I find 3 different ways to control robotiq gripper in Option 3 proved available in python
Affected ROS2 Driver version(s)
Used ROS distribution.
Which combination of platform is the ROS driver running on.
How is the UR ROS2 Driver installed.
Build both the ROS driver and UR Client Library from source
Which robot platform is the driver connected to.
UR CB3 robot
Robot SW / URSim version(s)
URSoftware 3.14
How is the ROS driver used.
Through the robot teach pendant using External Control URCap
Issue details
Gripper connected to control box not connected.
Issue details
Gripper is recognized when directly connected to the computer, but not in the control box. I referred to the link below, but it doesn't seem to work in cb3 because it's e-series only.
Relevant log output
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