UniversalRobots / Universal_Robots_ROS2_Driver

Universal Robots ROS2 driver supporting CB3 and e-Series
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joint_trajectory_controller inactive with ursim #789

Open linmeon opened 1 year ago

linmeon commented 1 year ago

Hi: ROS2 Humble Ubuntu22.04 ur3 with doc https://docs.ros.org/en/ros2_packages/humble/api/ur_robot_driver/usage.html

i am testing ursim and moveit

when i run ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_control.launch.py ur_type:=<UR_TYPE> robot_ip:=<IP_OF_THE_ROBOT> launch_rviz:=true and I control the robot using VNC, the robot in RViz also moves. However, it doesn't work when I use MoveIt to plan and execute.

so i run ros2 control list_controllers shows speed_scaling_state_broadcaster[ur_controllers/SpeedScalingStateBroadcaster] active joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active force_torque_sensor_broadcaster[force_torque_sensor_broadcaster/ForceTorqueSensorBroadcaster] active **joint_trajectory_controller[joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController] inactive** forward_position_controller[position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController] inactive io_and_status_controller[ur_controllers/GPIOController] active then i close all run ros2 launch ur_robot_driver ur_control.launch.py ur_type:=ur5e robot_ip:=yyy.yyy.yyy.yyy use_fake_hardware:=true launch_rviz:=true The control through VNC cannot synchronize with RViz, but the planning in MoveIt is consistent with RViz. the run ros2 control list_controllers shows speed_scaling_state_broadcaster[ur_controllers/SpeedScalingStateBroadcaster] active joint_state_broadcaster[joint_state_broadcaster/JointStateBroadcaster] active force_torque_sensor_broadcaster[force_torque_sensor_broadcaster/ForceTorqueSensorBroadcaster] active **joint_trajectory_controller[joint_trajectory_controller/JointTrajectoryController] active** forward_position_controller[position_controllers/JointGroupPositionController] inactive io_and_status_controller[ur_controllers/GPIOController] active

I also tried the example ros2 launch ur_robot_driver test_joint_trajectory_controller.launch.py same result

i also tried Fake hardware on ROS2 Galactic[](https://docs.ros.org/en/ros2_packages/humble/api/ur_robot_driver/usage.html#fake-hardware-on-ros2-galactic) Currently, the scaled_joint_trajectory_controller does not work on ROS2 Galactic. There is an [upstream Merge-Request](https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_control/pull/635) pending to fix that. Until this is merged and released, please change the default controller in the [controllers.yaml](https://docs.ros.org/en/ros2_packages/humble/api/ur_robot_driver/ur_moveit_config/config/controllers.yaml) file. Make sure that the default field is assigned true for the joint_trajectory_controller and false for the scaled_joint_trajectory_controller. also not work what should i do?

thank you!

fmauch commented 1 year ago

You'll have to start the external_control program to make the controller running. Skimming over the documentation I think this isn't clearly stated after the last iteration. In short, install the URCap and create a program on the robot and then start this program after the driver has been started.

fmauch commented 1 year ago

@linmeon would the changes in #790 have been of any help for you?