UniversalRobots / Universal_Robots_ROS2_Gazebo_Simulation

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Keeps requiring ur_joint_control even though it doesnt come with it (ROS2 Humble) #61

Closed Chillhopper closed 6 months ago

Chillhopper commented 6 months ago

[INFO] [launch]: All log files can be found below /home/lusmse/.ros/log/2024-03-20-22-02-53-812384-lusmse-5237 [INFO] [launch]: Default logging verbosity is set to INFO [ERROR] [launch]: Caught exception in launch (see debug for traceback): executed command failed. Command: /opt/ros/humble/bin/xacro /home/lusmse/workspaces/ur_gazebo/install/ur_simulation_gazebo/share/ur_simulation_gazebo/urdf/ur_gazebo.urdf.xacro safety_limits:=true safety_pos_margin:=0.15 safety_k_position:=20 name:=ur ur_type:=ur5e prefix:="" simulation_controllers:=/home/lusmse/workspaces/ur_gazebo/install/ur_simulation_gazebo/share/ur_simulation_gazebo/config/ur_controllers.yaml Captured stderr output: error: No such file or directory: /opt/ros/humble/share/ur_description/urdf/inc/ur_joint_control.xacro [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/ros/humble/share/ur_description/urdf/inc/ur_joint_control.xacro' when processing file: /home/lusmse/workspaces/ur_gazebo/install/ur_simulation_gazebo/share/ur_simulation_gazebo/urdf/ur_gazebo.ros2_control.xacro included from: /home/lusmse/workspaces/ur_gazebo/install/ur_simulation_gazebo/share/ur_simulation_gazebo/urdf/ur_gazebo.urdf.xacro

RobertWilbrandt commented 6 months ago

Please confirm that you are on the humble branch of the repo, the urdf files listed in the error message should only be required on the ros2 branch.

If this is not the issue, you have to provide more information than just an error log:

Chillhopper commented 6 months ago

Yes it was a branch issue, thank you for your help. There is something I'd like to ask about your package. If I want to change the coordinates of the UR robot spawning as well the gazebo world it spawns in, where am i supposed to configure them?

RobertWilbrandt commented 6 months ago

In this case you would typically create your own description package which uses the ur_robot macro in ur_description and adds all further parts of your world model (in addition to positioning the robot as you like). You should then be able to use the description_package launch parameter to load your custom description.

As your initial issue is fixed i'll close this, feel free to open a new issue if you have problems getting this running.