UniversalRobots / Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver

Universal Robots ROS driver supporting CB3 and e-Series
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Starting the Controllers after releasing the brakes #380

Open AlcatrAAz opened 3 years ago

AlcatrAAz commented 3 years ago


Hello all,

I have a problem that I can't start the controllers (via Python) after I released the brakes of the UR3e. I wrote a script that should do the initialization of the UR Robot. So first I release the brakes with BrakeRelease = rospy.ServiceProxy('ur_hardware_interface/dashboard/brake_release', Trigger). After the brakes are released the UR is in this mode (via rosservice get_safety_mode, get_robot_mode):

  mode: 7
answer: "Robotmode: RUNNING"
success: True

  mode: 1
answer: "Safetymode: NORMAL"
success: True

Teachpanel: Left Side: Status = Stopped or Paused

Teachpanel: Left bottom is green and Normal or Paused

I can initialize my controllers with SwitchJnt = rospy.ServiceProxy('/controller_manager/load_controller', LoadController) and in rqt the state of the controllers are initialized. When I try then to start the controllers with SwitchCart = rospy.ServiceProxy('/controller_manager/switch_controller', SwitchController) SwitchCart2 = SwitchCart(start_controllers=[str(name)], stop_controllers=[''], strictness=1, start_asap=False, timeout=0.0)

I get the following errors at my UR Driver terminal:

[ERROR] [1621335286.292537289]: Robot control is currently inactive. Starting controllers that claim resources is currently not possible. Not starting controller 'joint_state_controller'
[ERROR] [1621335286.292630844]: Could not switch controllers. The hardware interface combination for the requested controllers is unfeasible.
[ERROR] [1621335286.296715291]: Robot control is currently inactive. Starting controllers that claim resources is currently not possible. Not starting controller 'forward_cartesian_traj_controller'
[ERROR] [1621335286.296793376]: Could not switch controllers. The hardware interface combination for the requested controllers is unfeasible.
[ERROR] [1621335286.300911630]: Robot control is currently inactive. Starting controllers that claim resources is currently not possible. Not starting controller 'speed_scaling_state_controller'
[ERROR] [1621335286.300983984]: Could not switch controllers. The hardware interface combination for the requested controllers is unfeasible.
[ERROR] [1621335286.306255149]: Robot control is currently inactive. Starting controllers that claim resources is currently not possible. Not starting controller 'force_torque_sensor_controller'
[ERROR] [1621335286.306331574]: Could not switch controllers. The hardware interface combination for the requested controllers is unfeasible.

I use the latest beta UR driver and the new Pass-Through Controller of the FZI. I deleted the controller spawner from the ur_control.launch because when I start the Driver with the controllers before the brakes are released, the controllers won't start. Our use case is a autonomous driving robot plattform.

So my questions are, what is the best way to start the UR Robot with Python? And how can I start the controllers after I released the brakes? Is there a way that I can start the driver with the controllers before I release the brakes, so that I can switch on the controllers after releasing the brakes?

Best regards

fmauch commented 3 years ago

First of all, there are two ways you can operate the driver in. The default mode and the headless mode. This is something I've wanted to document for a long time, so I might as well take my time answering this.

The headless mode can be enabled in the bringup launchfiles (e.g. ur3e_bringup.launch by providing the headless_mode:=true argument to the launchfile.

In either mode the robot needs URScript code to interpret the commands being sent from the ROS side, which resides here and will be moved to here in the near future.

While the headless_mode sends the script directly to the primary interface for execution on the robot, the "normal" mode requires the external_control URCap to be installed on the robot. This will then query the script code from a running driver and execute it inside a program on the teach pendant: image

For the headless mode to work, on e-Series robots the controller has to be set into "remote_control" mode as it will otherwise ignore incoming script code.

Using either the headless_mode or the "normal" mode has certain implications:

Now, coming to your specific problem:

As long as the script code is not running on the robot controller, no (writing) ros controllers are able to run. You can still read joint states and FTS measurements and so on from the robot, but you won't be able to control the robot.

To transparently inform users about this state, the driver refuses to start controllers while no script code is running. As soon as the script code is running, you will see Robot connected to reverse interface. Ready to receive control commands. in the driver's command line output. When it loses connection (the script code is no longer running), the message Connection to reverse interface dropped. will be printed.

With the information given above, you can either:

The URCap version will have the benefit that you will clearly see the state the robot currently is in on the teach pendant. Apart from that, they are both similar.

Note that the /ur_hardware_interface/set_mode action can also be used when using the headless_mode only that the play_program argument will play the program most recently loaded in polyscope (if any) and start that. That might not be what you want, so I wouldn't use this flag when using headless_mode.

I hope that this did answer all question related to this. If not., please let me know so we can improve this answer and add it to this driver's documentation.

AlcatrAAz commented 3 years ago


thank you very much for the detailed answer!

Unfortunately, it has not yet worked with the proposed methods. And unfortunately I can't work on this topic for the next few weeks either. As soon as I can work on this topic again, I will get back to you with more detailed feedback.

However, I have a question about the "program" commands. What exactly does the command resend_robot_program mean and which program is sent to the robot again? Is it a previously loaded .urc program in the robot? Does resend_robot_program and dashboard/play mean the same kind of program?

Many greetings

fmauch commented 3 years ago

However, I have a question about the "program" commands. What exactly does the command resend_robot_program mean and which program is sent to the robot again? Is it a previously loaded .urc program in the robot? Does resend_robot_program and dashboard/play mean the same kind of program?

No, they don't. Basically, resend_robot_program sends this URScript code to the robot's primary interface, while dashboard/play starts the polyscope program currently loaded on the teach panel, being equivalent to pressing the "play" button. In the end, if using a Polyscope program containing the `external_control" program node, the resulting script code mostly equivalent, the interfaces you mentioned are different.

fmauch commented 3 years ago

Note to me: Merge the above documentation with the one in https://github.com/UniversalRobots/Universal_Robots_ROS_Driver/blob/master/ur_robot_driver/README.md