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CCS'20 | Squirrel: Testing Database Management Systems with Language Validity and Coverage Feedback #2

Closed UniverseFly closed 3 years ago

UniverseFly commented 3 years ago


UniverseFly commented 3 years ago


Approach overview

UniverseFly commented 3 years ago

Ensure syntax correctness through IR


SSA form:


Mutation(squirrel strips concrete data before mutation, and only mutates the skeleton, the reason for which would be explained later):

UniverseFly commented 3 years ago

Improving semantic correctness

As mentioned in §5, after mutation the IR program is a syntax-correct skeleton with data stripped. Our instantiator first analyzes the dependency be- tween different data, and fill the skeleton with concrete values that satisfy all dependencies. After the instantiation, the query has a high chance to be semantically correct.

By inferring data dependencies [isA/isAnElement] between semantic-binding data from a set of rules following two principles:

Data dependency example:


Relation rule: a tuple of (target relation, source relation, relationship, scope)

For example, the relation rule (UseFromTable, UseTableColumn, isAnElement, nearest) means the data of type UseTableColumn is an element of the nearest data within the same statement that has type UseFromTable

With such predefined rules, the data dependency graph can be inferred.

Instantiation: fill those syntax correct generated skeletons and try to get a semantic correct one. (given the constructed dependency graph as input)


The algorithm (Definition means CreateXXX and Use means UseXXX; a node having a parent means it in the graph has a directed link pointing to some node, i.e. dependent on that pointed node):

UniverseFly commented 3 years ago

The above approach (filling IR skeleton) is called IR instantiation

UniverseFly commented 3 years ago



  • Can Sqirrel detect memory errors from real-world production- level DBMSs?
  • Can Sqirrel outperform state-of-the-art testing tools?
  • What are the contributions of language correctness and coverage-based feedback in DBMS testing?


