Universite-Gustave-Eiffel / I-Simpa

An Open Source software for 3D sound propagation modelling
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Importing data form CATT file is not complete #227

Closed Picaut closed 3 years ago

Picaut commented 5 years ago

When importing data form CATT file (tutorial Elmia Hall), only 1 line on 2 is imported

nicolas-f commented 5 years ago

I have 20 materials in I-Simpa when I import Catt file

carolgaudeoso commented 4 years ago

It seems like if your .txt file is as the example that comes with the download, it will upload only 1 every 2 materials. When I added the lines following lines after the material and its absorption and scattering: C: D: R:

then, it worked and uploaded everything.

nicolas-f commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the feedback, we have to fix the driver.