Universite-Gustave-Eiffel / I-Simpa

An Open Source software for 3D sound propagation modelling
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tutorial 1 - problems with mesh #381

Open musically-impaired opened 3 months ago

musically-impaired commented 3 months ago


I'm newbie in I-SIMPA and in room acoustics modeling. I tried to follow tutorial 1, but I couldn't get proper results. So after some time I just opened tutorial1.proj file from I-SIMPA catalogue and without any changes just run calculations with "classic theory" algorithm. And these are results I've received:

I-SIMPA ScrSht 01

I've also downloaded TP_reverberant_room and my results are similar:


As you can see sound rays are reflecting from non-existent surfaces and the calculation doesn't resemble that from tutorial. In the second project they're not even coming from any of the sound sources Why? Can anybody help me? What can I do to fix it?

I use Win 10 Pro 10.0.19045, I-SIMPA v. 1.3.4 built on 2020-12-23T16:57:21.

Thank you in advance.

nicolas-f commented 3 months ago


The two screenshots in your issue is the preview of the tetgen mesh. You can hide the preview with this button image


In the tutorial you have to run spps:
