Universite-Gustave-Eiffel / NoiseCapture

Android App dedicated to the measurement of environmental noise.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Configurable fast sampling rate #238

Open nicolas-f opened 6 years ago

nicolas-f commented 6 years ago

Currently the display is refreshed all 125 ms. Some users want to have a real time level with lower display frequency.

Do we let the user select the window time of real time measurement ?

Picaut commented 6 years ago

125ms is quite fast. I'm not sure that lower display frequency is a solution. The problem may be due to the smartphone.

nicolas-f commented 6 years ago

Yes its too fast for the display. Users want to have the time to read the value, so may be an option to switch to slow (1s) display while measuring (displaying the recorded values).

nicolas-f commented 6 years ago

We could change the "window" option for something more user friendly like:

"Real time display mode"

Picaut commented 6 years ago

OK, but not a priority

nicolas-f commented 3 months ago

We could use IEC 61672-1 specification in order to fit to the displaying of noise level as in standard noise level meter:


When the sound is suddenly switched OFF, the displayed 'F' level decays at a rate of 34.7 dB/s, while the displayed 'S' level decays at a rate of 4.3 dB/s.

nicolas-f commented 3 months ago

It must be done with something related to a weighted average but I don't have any clue to the coefficients for the implementation. @pierromond

nicolas-f commented 2 months ago

Implemented in https://github.com/nicolas-f/NoiseCaptureKotlin/commit/fbf3d36592ee5e33aaca10db0e86567cde1dcc54