Universite-Gustave-Eiffel / NoiseCapture

Android App dedicated to the measurement of environmental noise.
GNU General Public License v3.0
88 stars 45 forks source link

App & Website localization #363

Closed jayrope closed 1 year ago

jayrope commented 2 years ago

I would like to help localize the Noise Capture App and the subsequent display of data on the map to German language. How can this be done?

gpetit commented 2 years ago

Hi @jayrope,

Thanks for your proposal. To translate, both NoiseCapture and the website, we are using the Transifex platform (which is free). The app and the website are divided in two separated projects

In the NoiseCapture, there is already a German (de) translation started. So you will have to join the existing team. In the website, there is no German translation. So you can ask to start it, and once validated by us, you should become the admin of this team

More informations can be found here : https://github.com/Ifsttar/NoiseCapture/wiki/10.-Contributing

Best Gwendall (Noise-Planet team)