Universite-Gustave-Eiffel / NoisePlanet

Framework for environmental noise assessment
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Switch from nabble to gitter #86

Open nicolas-f opened 3 years ago

nicolas-f commented 3 years ago

It's a debate about whether we should switch to gitter (https://gitter.im/NoiseModelling/community) instead of the mailing list (http://orbisgis.3871844.n2.nabble.com) on the noise planet webpage (https://noise-planet.org/noisemodelling.html#community)

@ebocher @Picaut @pierromond @gpetit

The issue is we have only emails and our answers are not shared with the community.

gpetit commented 3 years ago

Yes we should find a way to optimize this point (since Nabble and more widely mailing lists are quite "old school" and have sometimes security / spam issues).

IMO, we have to distinguish the questions and the discussions:

pierromond commented 3 years ago

I like github issues + gitter solution.

nicolas-f commented 3 years ago

Also on the Contact page https://noise-planet.org/contact.html

How about adding a "Community" insert above the email link to limit email interactions to things that are private ?

gpetit commented 3 years ago

Yes we can add a message to clarify this aspect : only use contact email for private questions. I will add this point in the list of updates for the website