Code coverage has been set up for our end-to-end tests. However, the report is not very useful if it can only be generated locally which takes a lot of time and maintains no history of the progress.
The coverage should be calculated and a report for it generated with GitHub Actions. The report should be pushed to Codecov.
Also pushing the coverage to Code Climate would be a nice addition but the actual UI/UX is much worse than with Codecov.
There is probably no need to include the coverage report in our current workflows. There could be a new separate workflow that runs at regular intervals, say once a day or once a week.
Steps to generate the report:
Instrument the code: npm run instrument
Run Oodikone with the instrumented code: npm run oodikone:test
Run tests in the terminal: npm run cypress run -- --browser chrome
View the report: firefox coverage/lcov-report/index.html
Code coverage has been set up for our end-to-end tests. However, the report is not very useful if it can only be generated locally which takes a lot of time and maintains no history of the progress.
The coverage should be calculated and a report for it generated with GitHub Actions. The report should be pushed to Codecov.
Also pushing the coverage to Code Climate would be a nice addition but the actual UI/UX is much worse than with Codecov.
There is probably no need to include the coverage report in our current workflows. There could be a new separate workflow that runs at regular intervals, say once a day or once a week.
Steps to generate the report:
npm run instrument
npm run oodikone:test
npm run cypress run -- --browser chrome
firefox coverage/lcov-report/index.html