UniversityOfSaskatchewanCMPT371 / term-project-2024-team-1

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Issue156: #197

Closed evanderaimufua closed 7 months ago

evanderaimufua commented 7 months ago

navigator.js file changed for Admin drawer this includes: navigation to notifications,home, download results/notify navigator.js file changed for user drawer this includes: Home, surveylist,about section and logout Missing conditional for admin vs user

User landing page created: Landing Page.jsx LandingPage component, which serves as the initial screen users encounter upon opening the application. Here's a summary of the changes:

Component Structure:

The LandingPage component is composed using React Native components such as View, Text, TouchableOpacity, etc. It imports the DrawerButton component for consistent navigation UI. Navigation Integration:

The useNavigation hook from @react-navigation/native is utilized to access navigation functionality. Upon pressing the "Take Survey" button, the user is directed to the "Surveys" screen. UI Design:

The landing page includes a title ("CASI") and a brief introductory paragraph about the initiative. An option to take a survey is provided with a styled button. Styling:

Styles are defined using StyleSheet.create to maintain a consistent look and feel across the application. Styling includes alignment, padding, margins, font sizes, colors, button styles, etc. The "About" section contains a clickable link styled with an underline. Functionality:

Upon pressing the "Take Survey" button, users are navigated to the survey list screen.

SurveyList Page created: SurveyList.jsx SurveyList component, which serves as the screen displaying a list of available surveys. Here's a summary of the changes:

Component Structure:

The SurveyList component is composed using React Native components such as View, Text, TouchableOpacity, and ScrollView. It utilizes the DrawerButton component from the navigation for consistency in UI elements. Navigation Integration:

The useNavigation hook from @react-navigation/native is used to access navigation functionality. Upon pressing the "Take Survey" button, the user is directed to the "SurveyStack" screen. UI Design:

Surveys are displayed in a scrollable list format within a styled container. Each survey is presented as a box with a title indicating the quarter. The "Take Survey" button is provided for each survey box to initiate the survey-taking process. Styling:

Styles are defined using StyleSheet.create to maintain a consistent look and feel across the application. Styling includes alignment, padding, margins, background colors, text styles, button styles, etc. Data Population: data representing four quarters of surveys is populated dynamically within the component.

Take survey page created: TakeSurvey.jsx

This pull request introduces the TakeSurvey component for our mobile application. Here's a summary of the changes:

Component Structure:

The TakeSurvey component is structured with React Native components such as View, ScrollView, Text, TouchableOpacity, TextInput, etc. It utilizes Animated from react-native for handling animations. State Management:

State variables like loading, currentQuestionIndex, and surveyCompleted are initialized using the useState hook. The scrollX variable is set up with a useRef hook for managing horizontal scrolling animations. Data Handling:

Mock questions are defined within the component to simulate the survey questions until API integration is completed. The handleNext, handleBack, handleOptionSelect, and handleWrittenAnswerChange functions are implemented to handle navigation, option selection, and written answer input. Conditional Rendering:

The component conditionally renders either the survey questions or a SurveyCompleted screen based on the surveyCompleted state. Styling:

Styles are defined using StyleSheet.create for consistent UI across different screens. Styling includes alignment, padding, margins, background colors, button styles, and input field styles. Navigation Integration:

The DrawerButton component is imported for integration with the navigation drawer. The Paginator component is imported for handling pagination UI. API Integration (Commented Out):

Placeholder code for fetching survey questions from an API is provided but commented out until the actual API endpoint is available. Fixes Navigation set up for buttons on ADMIN UI in ADMIN.js updated and consistent UI for sign up and login. Navigation set up between SIgn up and Login

github-actions[bot] commented 7 months ago

:tada: This PR is included in version 1.0.0 :tada:

The release is available on GitHub release

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