UnkindPartition / tasty

Modern and extensible testing framework for Haskell
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QuickCheck: allow to print/specify seed for a failure without having to replay through previous successes #383

Closed amesgen closed 3 months ago

amesgen commented 11 months ago

If we find a property test failure after a lot of iterations, reproducing it is annoying as we have to replay all successful iterations to get to the failing test case. This is a bit annoying:

Also see https://github.com/hedgehogqa/haskell-hedgehog/pull/454 for a recent Hedgehog PR implementing this (and more).

I think this should be simple to implement in tasty-quickcheck as QuickCheck exposes the necessary seed in its Result:

data Result
  = ...
  | Failure
    { ...
    , usedSeed        :: QCGen
      -- ^ What seed was used
    , usedSize        :: Int
      -- ^ What was the test size

data Args
  = Args
  { replay          :: Maybe (QCGen,Int)
    -- ^ Should we replay a previous test?
  , ...

On failure, (usedSeed, usedSize) would be printed, and it could be specified via a new flag --quickcheck-exact-replay (name very tentative).

Happy to open a PR if this sounds like a useful addition.

Bodigrim commented 11 months ago

Overall makes sense to me, but hard to judge further without looking at a PR (ideally with tests).

facundominguez commented 4 months ago

I contributed a PR with a test.