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Avoid blanket import from `GHC.Conc` #398

Closed edsko closed 9 months ago

edsko commented 9 months ago

Corresponding ticket for async itself at https://github.com/simonmar/async/pull/153.

Bodigrim commented 9 months ago

@amesgen if you get a moment to fix WASM CI job, it would be most appreciated. (I assume it's just a hash change, but cannot verify AFK)

Bodigrim commented 9 months ago

@edsko could you please rebase?

Any particular motivation for this change? Why GHC.Conc only?

edsko commented 9 months ago

@Bodigrim Have rebased. As for motivation: GHC.Conc exports some stuff that Control.Concurrent.STM also exports, which leads to name clashes when using a version of stm that doesn't straight up re-export stuff from GHC.Conc but does something slightly different (such as specifically https://github.com/edsko/stm-debug).

Bodigrim commented 9 months ago
