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Should `unix` flag be manual? #418

Closed phadej closed 2 months ago

phadej commented 2 months ago

As far as I can tell, if unix-2.9 is released, the signal installation will be silently turned off.

It might be intentional, but then a comment would be nice.

OTOH, is there a reason to simply depend on unix unconditionally, on unixes.

Bodigrim commented 2 months ago

The reason is to avoid circular dependencies when testing bytestring and unix themselves.

I'm fairly sure I'll notice unix-2.9 release happening to bump bound.

phadej commented 2 months ago

The reason is to avoid circular dependencies when testing

The flag can still be manual, and be set when testring bytestring and unix, can't it?

Bodigrim commented 2 months ago

My experience is that it's valuable to lower barriers to contribute to bytestring and unix. Users should be able to do cabal unpack bytestring && cd bytestring-* && cabal test without having to guess manual flags.

I don't feel like not installing handlers in some extreme build configurations is a big deal. If anything, I'm more inclined to remove the upper bound for unix to eliminate a potential disruption when unix-2.9 is out.