Unleash / helm-charts

Contains helm-charts for Unleash
Apache License 2.0
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Address Issue with Postgres generated secret key/values. #68

Closed promiseofcake closed 1 year ago

promiseofcake commented 1 year ago

About the changes

When using the chart, the K8s secret values for unleash-postgresql which is created has the following key/value pairing:

$ kubectl get secret  unleash-postgresql -o jsonpath='{.data}'                                  
{"postgres-password":"<encoded value>"} 

The issue with this is that the chart is looking for a different key when attempting to create the deployment environment values.

This leads to startup issues:

$ kubectl get pods                                                                                            
NAME                       READY   STATUS                       RESTARTS   AGE
unleash-65bdd6bcbc-sgmdv   0/1     CreateContainerConfigError   0          22s
unleash-postgresql-0       1/1     Running                      0          21s

$ kubectl describe pod unleash-65bdd6bcbc-sgmdv | grep Error:
  Warning  Failed     1s (x3 over 21s)  kubelet            Error: couldn't find key postgresql-password in Secret default/unleash-postgresql

Important files

Only one change.

Discussion points

Is no one else seeing this issue? I tried to use old versions of the postgres chart as well and it seems like previous versions did also have this problem.

promiseofcake commented 1 year ago

Ah this actually doesn't solve the issue, there is an issue where the created password is not the same as the password unleash is then trying to use to connect.