Unleash / unleash-edge

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Configure NewRelic/OpenTelemetry reporting #310

Open marinarierav opened 8 months ago

marinarierav commented 8 months ago

Describe the feature request

We would like to set up NewRelic APM for monitoring.


There is no specific NewRelic agent for Rust, but it seems we could use OpenTelemetry. There is more information in this Slack thread: https://unleash-community.slack.com/archives/C03GWTN7XMG/p1697543858860219

Solution suggestions

@chriswk believes that "metrics and tracing data could be sent to New Relic with a feature flag implemented on our side. Where we'd distribute binaries built with and without the flag, with a how-to for how to build a docker image containing the binary with New Relic reporting configured"

ivarconr commented 6 months ago

I am capturing the slack thread here, to have it all in one place: image

ivarconr commented 6 months ago

It would be nice if someone with New Relic experience could raise their hand and help on this issue.