UnlimitedAvailableUsername / Edge-Mimicry-Tree-Style-Tab-For-Firefox

A theme for Tree Style Tab that tries to replicate the vertical tab feature of Microsoft Edge Browser
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Hide Tab Bar CSS Alternative #1

Open rehanzo opened 2 years ago

rehanzo commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for this project. It is very well done.

On my system, the hide tab bar CSS from the optional CSS mods does not work well. It seemingly just cuts off the top half of the tab bar. However, the following works perfectly for me:

#TabsToolbar {
    visibility: collapse;                                                                 

Maybe you could add it as an alternative in the CSS mods folder, for those that cannot get the current hide tab bar CSS to work right.

UnlimitedAvailableUsername commented 2 years ago

This doesn't work well on my environment since it also disables the window title bar buttons. What version of Firefox and OS are you using? I am actually using a windows 11 environment and the latest stable Firefox build when working with this mod.

rehanzo commented 2 years ago

I'm using the latest version (v98) of Firefox on linux. I never realized it disables window title bar buttons, because I use swaywm so I usually do not have the title bar anyways.