UnlimitedAvailableUsername / Edge-Mimicry-Tree-Style-Tab-For-Firefox

A theme for Tree Style Tab that tries to replicate the vertical tab feature of Microsoft Edge Browser
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not faviconized webiste's favicon misplaced #11

Open TaivasJumala opened 5 months ago

TaivasJumala commented 5 months ago


website that don't have favicon including firefox some about:* pages, their favicon misplaced.

i have done a clean reinstall for testing this.

  1. setup a new profile in about:profiles
  2. install tree style tab
  3. ublock expert options, copy & paste user.css
  4. the result was shown as image
  5. i have tested file in branch development

LibreWolf/Firefox 122.0 TreeStyleTab 3.9.20 Windows 11

I tried same on openSUSE-Tumbleweed(Linux) on Firefox 121/TST 3.9.19, looks nice. But once I update them to Firefox 122/TST 3.9.20, it also break the style, cause both of them update today. I havn't test it yet.

update: i download old 3.9.18 TST from github, the sytle is alson bronken, more likely related to firefox.

update again: i download firefox 119 from firefox ftp, it works well, so the style broken is owing to firefox updates.