UnlimitedAvailableUsername / Edge-Mimicry-Tree-Style-Tab-For-Firefox

A theme for Tree Style Tab that tries to replicate the vertical tab feature of Microsoft Edge Browser
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The misaligned of text on the bottom of sidebar on Firefox 105b9 #3

Closed JaneValleyhasBtaken closed 1 year ago

JaneValleyhasBtaken commented 1 year ago


The part of 'Ctrl+T' under the '+' sign Theme is on 'no decoration'

Firefox beta version: 105b9

UnlimitedAvailableUsername commented 1 year ago

Not sure what's exactly causing it, but probably because tree style tab updated their snippet codes on their latest version. I uploaded my latest css configuration, you can go ahead and use that, however there are still some bugs present (like pined tab icons) as I am not yet done fixing.

JaneValleyhasBtaken commented 1 year ago

Tried and fixed. And I love the new look!