UnlimitedAvailableUsername / Edge-Mimicry-Tree-Style-Tab-For-Firefox

A theme for Tree Style Tab that tries to replicate the vertical tab feature of Microsoft Edge Browser
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Blank space after collpase a folder on Firefox 105b9 #4

Closed JaneValleyhasBtaken closed 1 year ago

JaneValleyhasBtaken commented 1 year ago

Description: After I collapse a folder, it does collapse the space with it, but leaves a blank area. Screenshots: When expanded: image

When collapse (glitched): image

UnlimitedAvailableUsername commented 1 year ago

Same reason with this: #3

On side note though, this issue may happen if you are pasting the whole code for the first time. This can be fixed by just restarting whole firefox itself.

JaneValleyhasBtaken commented 1 year ago

Yes, after restart, it is fixed. Thanks!

isahwn commented 11 months ago


I'm having the same problem in Firefox 116 macOS.

If you click on the text of a folder in a bookmark, then the folder disappears; If the small icon in front of the folder is clicked carefully then it can be displayed normally;

I have used the latest treestyletab-edge-mimicry.css, hide-tabbar.css, sidebar-mods.css. And I have used some of my own userChrome.css. May I ask if this is because of a conflict?

SCR-20230805-kdop SCR-20230805-kdwe


Here is the userChrome.css I'm using:

Add these lines to your own userChrome.css
if you do not want overwrite your existing
modifications on userChrome.css

Then add the files mentioned in these lines
on the same folder where userChrome.css is
@import "sidebar-mods.css";

#TabsToolbar {
    visibility: collapse;

#sidebar-header {
    display: none !important;
UnlimitedAvailableUsername commented 11 months ago

Hmm, I'm not sure what's causing that issue since the mods I've made don't even touch the Bookmarks functionality of Firefox, just the sidebar size itself. I can't debug it also myself, since I don't have a Mac. Does the issue still persist even after removing my mod, and using just your own modifications on userChrome.css?

isahwn commented 11 months ago

Thanks for your reply.

If using just my own modifications on userChrome.css, then the issue wouldn't happen. Unfortunately, the auto-hide function (hover feature) is also disabled.