UnlockedLabs' WIP education portal/SIS for capturing meaningful progress of incarcerated learners in external providers, to help earn good time credits
The component should display the library name and provide a clickable link for users to browse the library.
Additionally, the component should include a link to the Open Content > Favorite page, enabling users to access more than their five most recent favorited libraries.
Alternatively if we think this is excessive we can add a dashboard API endpoint that retrieves these favorites with a limit of 5 records.
[ ] Build React component to render the 5 most recently favorited libraries.
User Flow:
User logs into dashboard
User sees a component displaying their 5 most recently favorited libraries.
User clicks on a favorite
User is directed to an existing page for browsing and reading content within the selected open content library.
User clicks on "View all favorites"
User is taken to the Open Content > Favorites page to view all of their favorited open content libraries
Acceptance Criteria:
The user can favorite an open content library and see it appear on the Dashboard under "Favorite libraries."
The user can click on one of the favorited libraries and be navigated to the page in UnlockEd that allows them to browse the library.
The user can click a link labeled "View all favorites," which navigates them to Open Content > Favorites, where they can see the rest of their favorited libraries.
Any favorites in the list that have been hidden by administrators still appear but are visibly marked to indicate they are disabled.
User Story:
As a Resident, I want to see some of my favorited libraries, so that I can quickly begin reading content that I plan on viewing often.
This task involves building a dashboard component that integrates with [Favorite libraries](https://www.notion.so/Favorite-libraries-13501ac3401f8001a85ac0e8be185a08?pvs=21). It will allow Residents to view their five most recently favorited libraries from their Dashboard.
The component should display the library name and provide a clickable link for users to browse the library.
Additionally, the component should include a link to the Open Content > Favorite page, enabling users to access more than their five most recent favorited libraries.
User Flow:
Acceptance Criteria: