Unlucky-Life / ankimon

Ankimon is a Anki Addon to Gamify your learning experience
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Lost a few pokemon, here are requested files 🥲 #115

Closed missdm0521 closed 1 month ago

missdm0521 commented 1 month ago

Hi unlucky, first wanna say thank you for making such a fun add-on that's really turned around the huge anki burnout I found myself in, you are amazing!!

Lost my meganium about a week ago and entered a period of ~mourning~ and in my very stupid attempt to try to problem solve ended up losing a bunch of other lil guys in the process and now have literally 4 eternatuses 🧍‍♀️ can't even remember the other 2 I lost (ie I had a meganium, eternatus, and 2 others that were replaced by eternatus that I can't remember)

anyway I'll shut up here are the files you requested (pls dont judge my bad choices I've never played pokemon and exclusively choose pokemon & attacks on vibes): mypokemon.json mainpokemon.json

So sorry if you needed any other info I exited out of the update info like a fool, I hope this is enough!!

Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

Hey @missdm0521, Glad you like the addon ! Im happy to help out :))! And no worries about the specifics u did everything right, we are all chill on the ankimon github here :)!

Could you tell me their round about level ?

meganium, eternatus

If you ever remember the other two feel free to hit me back up and ill reinject them !

Ill send you the needed files back 2morrow once i know the levels i need to inject them with :)

missdm0521 commented 1 month ago

Thank you sooo much friend!! I believe they were both around level 50! And no worries about the other two, if you can release/delete them from your end that's all good with me :)

Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

mypokemon.json Here you go ;) 1x Eternatus lvl 50 and a Meganium lvl 50 has been reinjected and the other 2 eternatus have been removed as you whished. (I hope I understood everything correctly) Else let me know if something is missing or I understood something wrong !

all you need to do is replace this file with your mypokemon.json in the user_files folder :)

missdm0521 commented 1 month ago


Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

Amazing ! Have fun catching :) !