Unlucky-Life / ankimon

Ankimon is a Anki Addon to Gamify your learning experience
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Information about the pet hides some text on the card screen when I'm studying on #123

Closed sonnk010 closed 1 month ago

sonnk010 commented 1 month ago

Is there an option to turn this information off? I just want to see this in the Ankimon Window Thank you in advance!

Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

@sonnk010 Right now you can hide the hp bar, text messages boxes and the info notification :) (check out the options in Ankimon Window)

sonnk010 commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I don't see the right options. Seems like I missed something Screenshot from 2024-05-22 22-36-09

Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

@sonnk010 my bad, poor description. You go to image (Addons in english) => image Then you select Ankimon and click configuration => image a window where you can configure alot of things :I)