Unlucky-Life / ankimon

Ankimon is a Anki Addon to Gamify your learning experience
35 stars 4 forks source link

Pokemons don't get xp #126

Closed emanuelps2708 closed 1 month ago

emanuelps2708 commented 1 month ago

Hi, thank you so much for this add-on.

I'm having a small issue, I installed the add-on and it works perfectly catching pokemons, the only thing that seems not to work is the xp, I don't get any even restarting anki or changing the main pokemon, I don't know if maybe is a configuration mistake that I made.


Current ankimon settings:

    "animate_time": true,
    "battle_sounds": false,
    "cards_per_round": 2,
    "dmg_in_reviewer": true,
    "gen1": true,
    "gen2": true,
    "gen3": true,
    "gen4": true,
    "gen5": true,
    "gen6": true,
    "gen7": true,
    "gen8": true,
    "gen9": true,
    "gif_in_collection": true,
    "hp_bar_config": true,
    "key_for_opening_closing_ankimon": "N",
    "language": 9,
    "pop_up_dialog_message_on_defeat": true,
    "review_hp_bar_thickness": 1,
    "reviewer_image_gif": true,
    "reviewer_text_message_box": true,
    "reviewer_text_message_box_time": 4,
    "show_mainpkmn_in_reviewer": 1,
    "sound_effects": false,
    "sounds": false,
    "ssh": false,
    "view_main_front": true,
    "xp_bar_config": true,
    "xp_bar_location": 1

OS: Linux mint 21.3 Anki Version: 24.04.1

Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

@emanuelps2708 Did you reset your Anki after choosing your starter pokemon ? if not please send me your mypokemon.json and mainpokemon.json file and ill help to fix the issue :)

Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

you only receive xp when defeating a pokemon

emanuelps2708 commented 1 month ago

Ohh ok Unlucky sorry for that I didn't know that, I'll try to defeat a pokemon and see what happens. About resetting Anki, yes I did it after choosing my starter pokemon. Thanks for the help and clarifications ;)

Unlucky-Life commented 1 month ago

@emanuelps2708 All good ❤️ Perfect that you reset your Anki ! (Right now there is a bug where people who dont reset their anki are losing their starter pokemon - therefore that step is rlly importan !