Unlucky-Life / ankimon

Ankimon is a Anki Addon to Gamify your learning experience
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Multiple Issues with Ankimon Add-on on macOS (M1 Chip) #146

Closed Ankiholic closed 1 week ago

Ankiholic commented 1 week ago

I have encountered several issues while using the Ankimon add-on on my macOS device with an M1 chip. Below are the details of the problems and suggested fixes:

  1. "About Anki" Menu Item Issue:

    • When accessing the "About Anki" menu item in the main ribbon, it displays the Ankimon "About" page instead of the Anki "About" page.
    • This was resolved by adding 'test_action13.setMenuRole(QAction.MenuRole.NoRole)' in the code. However, this fix should be implemented by default.
  2. Main Screen Issues:

    • The enemy Pokémon is visible in the bottom left, and its HP is shown in the bottom right. However, my own Pokémon is not displayed on the screen.
    • image
  1. Battle Mechanics Issues:

    • The enemy Pokémon does not take any action during its turn. After my turn, I will complete the next flash card (good/again etc), but the enemy Pokémon does nothing.
    • As a result, the battles are one-sided, with the player always winning since the enemy Pokémon does not attack.
  2. Item and Experience Issues:

    • No items, such as Elixirs, appear during or after the battles, and there is no mechanism for using or earning items.
  3. Pokémon Collection Issue:

    • In the "Show Pokémon Collection" tab, the "Pick as Main Pokémon" option can be repeatedly clicked to refresh the current fight. - This allows the player to cycle through fights until they encounter a desired Pokémon, which undermines the game's challenge.

General Observations:

Thank you for your work on this add-on. I hope this feedback helps improve Ankimon's functionality and user experience. I'm so keen to use this!

Ankiholic commented 1 week ago

Follow-Up: Additional Observations and Suggestions

Enemy Attacks:

Suggestion: Since the combat is turn-based, each flashcard should correspond to either the player's move or the enemy's move. The effectiveness of the move could be based on the card’s response:

Item Drops:

Feature Request: Switch Pokémon Mid-Fight

I have not found an option to manually switch Pokémon mid-fight. Could this feature be added to Ankimon for a more authentic experience?

Unlucky-Life commented 1 week ago


  1. Yes, this is true (it was a mac specific issue, and im using a windows, therefore i didnt have this issue before)
  2. You can change the display of the pokemons in the reviewer with 'show_mainpkmn_in_reviewer' setting in the addons settings: image

You can also open and close the ankimon window by using the "ankimon key" you can choose in the settings options.

  1. You can also let the enemy pokemon attack you by changing 'dmg_in_reviewer' setting to true.

  2. You earn items randomly - at every anki session start up there is a random value picked of cards that need to be reviewed. If you have reviewed them, a pop up will appear letting you know that you have received an item.

Right now Items that are working:

  1. That is true, currently reworking the Switch Main Pokemon possibility (because there was an issue before when that was an option.)
Unlucky-Life commented 1 week ago

@Ankiholic I think the suggestion with the change of round based battle mechanic can be tempting for users to not press "again" on their own turn, while enemys turn to press "again" more. That could be an issue.

But i think we could rethink that definetly.

Btw. You gain xp by defeating pokemon, catching those not allow you to gain xp.

Unlucky-Life commented 1 week ago

@Ankiholic If you have set your option to allow dmg in reviewer to true - currently after 2 cards you and the enemy pokemon will receive the chance to attack each other. while the enemy pokemon will only attack if you have a multiplier below 1 - (meaning you have pressed again or hard)

Unlucky-Life commented 1 week ago

@Ankiholic Thank you for the thorough message and bug testing ! Very helpful :) There are also here on GitHub the latest release, with a few new features you can check out. https://github.com/Unlucky-Life/ankimon/releases/tag/1.288