Unlucky-Life / ankimon

Ankimon is a Anki Addon to Gamify your learning experience
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Download stuck/crash/problem after update #24

Closed nurkittel closed 4 months ago

nurkittel commented 4 months ago

Hi, for some reasons I wanted to try a full new install with the new update and so I deleted Ankimon. Reinstalled the new version and I had to download the files again. Here the Problem begins. For some reasons and I tried a few times it will stop/freeze and won't continue to download. Since it takes a long time to download the additional files I don't know if it's because my MacBook will automatically switch to sleep/display off after a few seconds and because it takes so long I guess the majority of users do this instead of looking at the download progress. So I come back and the download does not continue I close Anki and then I get a popup that the program unexpectedly quit. It did not sync as usual if I close Anki. When I reopen a popup appears that Ankimon add-on is broken and was not loaded. So I have to delete and try again. So far no success.

What can I do? Does reinstalling Anki might help or is the add-on completely independent? Do I need to have Anki on the Front screen all the time until it full downloaded?

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

him ok this weird - send the update yesterday to a friend. I think you need to uninstall the addon - and then wait for the downloads to all go through.

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

after installing the new update this window should pop up: image

did this happen with you ?

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

because your anki will only open once you closed that window

nurkittel commented 4 months ago

It comes up the problem appears after I press Download Files in the Ankimon Menu

nurkittel commented 4 months ago

It freezes during Download Files, crashes Anki and when I reopen Anki it notify me at the start that Ankimon is broken and needs to be reinstalled. Maybe it's an individual me or Mac problem idk. I am trying to download it again in no Fullscreen and it I will not let the laptop go to sleep/hibernate/display off. But it's weird.

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

friend tested it on a mac

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

hm - maybe try with this version: https://github.com/Unlucky-Life/ankimon/releases/download/1.24/ankimon-1.24-anki21-ankiweb.ankiaddon

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago


  1. delete ankimon (before you do this, make sure to copy the mainpokemon.json, mypokemon.json, badges.json and items.json to a different location outside of the ankimon folder
  2. reinstall ankimon
  3. then go to "download resources"
Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago
nurkittel commented 4 months ago

Will do, if it works I will try to reproduce the error and tell you.

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

https://github.com/Unlucky-Life/ankimon/issues/24#issuecomment-2002489380 => if its not letting you go to hibernate/sleep mode in no fullscreen - it a good sign

=> the hibernation/sleep mode could kill the download process and then lead to the crashed

=> because it gives the addon the feeling you have downloaded all files - but then crashes because it doesnt seem to find them / they are corrupted.

=> and canceling the download process does actually shutdown anki (but i cant tell why tho)

nurkittel commented 4 months ago

It's working now, as long as you babysit the download and not letting the laptop go to sleep/... . Pressing download and leaving it alone will cause the error at least in fullscreen 3 times.

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

https://we.tl/t-IO3VVf6GxC - here is the complete addon folder if the crashing is still there

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago

ok thanks for the notice!

Unlucky-Life commented 4 months ago