Unlucky-Life / ankimon

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Pokemon error when using "Low sweep" #49

Closed h0zierfan closed 3 months ago

h0zierfan commented 3 months ago

"An error occured in reviewer: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'int' and 'NoneType'" occurs once I reteach my machop low sweep, and the move is chosen.

Unlucky-Life commented 3 months ago

ok thanks for the notice ! could you send me your mainpokemon.json file to test this but out myself ? Thx for adding the notice !

h0zierfan commented 3 months ago

[ { "name": "Machop", "gender": "M", "level": 11, "id": 66, "ability": "Guts", "type": [ "Fighting" ], "stats": { "hp": 70, "atk": 80, "def": 50, "spa": 35, "spd": 35, "spe": 35, "xp": 0 }, "ev": { "hp": 3, "atk": 1, "def": 3, "spa": 0, "spd": 0, "spe": 2 }, "iv": { "hp": 31, "atk": 23, "def": 13, "spa": 12, "spd": 2, "spe": 25 }, "attacks": [ "woodhammer", "scratch", "lowkick", "astonish" ], "base_experience": 63, "current_hp": 43, "growth_rate": "medium" } ]

h0zierfan commented 3 months ago

this is the only time I've experienced the error, and this only occurred after I "remembered" low kick

Unlucky-Life commented 3 months ago

hm i see - then this error seems to be due to the move itself ! Thanks for the infos !

Unlucky-Life commented 3 months ago

@h0zierfan so i havetested it again - and your correct its due to the move low kick - some moves somehow create issues or maybe dont have a proper effect yet - ill try to fix this if possible. For now i recommend to remove thos attacks by using the remember attack button and replacing low kick with a different attack