Unmanic / unmanic

Unmanic - Library Optimiser
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.41k stars 84 forks source link

can I specify a config location? #480

Closed OneCDOnly closed 1 week ago

OneCDOnly commented 2 weeks ago

Hi guys,

Just trying to work out if there's a way to specify a config path when launching the unmanic daemon.

The only information I've found so-far is:

# ./unmanic --help
usage: unmanic [-h] [--version] [--manage_plugins] [--dev] [--dev-api [DEV_API]] [--port [PORT]]


  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  --version            show program's version number and exit
  --manage_plugins     manage installed plugins
  --dev                Enable developer mode
  --dev-api [DEV_API]  Enable development against another unmanic support api
  --port [PORT]        Specify the port to run the webserver on

I've installed it from PyPI, and it is writing its settings into $HOME/.unmanic.

I'm building a NAS package for this, and in this particular NAS, $HOME can't be used by any applications.

Any suggestions?

Thank you for this great project. 🤓

OneCDOnly commented 2 weeks ago

Some progress: I set $HOME_DIR before starting it and now it's writing it's config there. I'll keep testing.

Hmm, it's duplicating the same tree structure it created in $HOME.

Josh5 commented 1 week ago

Some progress: I set $HOME_DIR before starting it and now it's writing it's config there. I'll keep testing.

Hmm, it's duplicating the same tree structure it created in $HOME.

$HOME_DIR is the way to do it at this point in time

OneCDOnly commented 1 week ago

Thanks @Josh5, that's working fine.

Cheers! 🤓