UnnoTed / fileb0x

a better customizable tool to embed files in go; also update embedded files remotely without restarting the server
MIT License
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repository discoverability #20

Open jensneuse opened 6 years ago

jensneuse commented 6 years ago

From a previous use i knew this repository (and really liked it!) by its name ("filebox") and tried to google it ("golang filebox") but didn't find anything. I had to look it up on awesome golang. I'd suggest to add some tags like "filebox" to make this repo easiert to discover.

gorillamoe commented 6 years ago

I second that!

UnnoTed commented 6 years ago

What about renaming the repo to filebox? i feel like a script kiddie every time i read the b0x...

jensneuse commented 6 years ago

Renaming ist not the worst idea but will break builds.

gorillamoe commented 6 years ago

Renaming ist not the worst idea but will break builds.

It won't, because Github will auto-redirect to the new repo-url.

For the binaries you could symlink them with a deprecation warning (give them users 1y from now to adapt).

coolaj86 commented 5 years ago

It won't, because Github will auto-redirect to the new repo-url.

Eh, I'm not so sure https://github.com/golang/go/issues/24076#issuecomment-371371558

Github has probably introduced the required custom go-import-specific html meta tags by now.

hashworks commented 5 years ago

i feel like a script kiddie every time i read the b0x...

Then you also might want to change the example ports from 1337 to something else.