UnnoTed / wireguird

wireguard gtk gui for linux
MIT License
679 stars 47 forks source link

rpm release? #12

Open t3dium opened 1 year ago

t3dium commented 1 year ago

would be nice if people outside of debian based distros can also use wireguird

SirDeLaplas commented 1 year ago

fedora user is sad

oneryx commented 1 year ago

Fedora 38 supports Wireguard out of the box https://9to5linux.com/first-look-at-the-gnome-44-desktop-environment-on-fedora-linux-38

1RandomDev commented 11 months ago

Fedora 38 supports Wireguard out of the box https://9to5linux.com/first-look-at-the-gnome-44-desktop-environment-on-fedora-linux-38

Thats apparently only a feature of Gnome and not everyone uses Fedora in the Gnome edition. I'm using Fedora with Cinnamon and the WireGuard option is missing in the network manager.

L-U-T-i commented 11 months ago

I've successfully built Rocky 9 RPM with the following spec file:

Name:    wireguird
Summary: GTK GUI client for Wireguard
Version: 1.0.0
Release: 0.1%{?dist}.ml
License: MIT
URL:     https://github.com/UnnoTed/wireguird
Source0: %{url}/archive/v%{version}.tar.gz#/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz 

BuildRequires: golang gtk3-devel libayatana-appindicator-gtk3-devel

Requires: wireguard-tools resolvconf

A linux GTK GUI client for Wireguard

- System tray icon goes red when connected, black when disconnected.
- Looks the same and does almost the same things as the official Wireguard's Windows gui client.
- Lists tunnels from /etc/wireguard
- Controls Wireguard through wg-quick

%global debug_package %{nil}

%setup -q

if [ -e "$opt_w_dir" ]; then
  rm -r "$opt_w_dir"
mkdir -p "$opt_w_dir"

echo "wireguird: building go binary..."
time {
  go generate
  go build -ldflags "-s -w" -trimpath -o "$opt_w_dir""wireguird"

echo "wireguird: copying icons..."
cp -r ./Icon/ "$opt_w_dir"

touch "$opt_w_dir""wireguird.settings"

install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}/opt
cp -a ./deb/opt/wireguird %{buildroot}/opt/
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_bindir}
install -m 0755 -vp ./deb/usr/local/bin/* %{buildroot}%{_bindir}/
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications
install -m 0644 -vp ./deb/usr/share/applications/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/applications/
install -d -m 0755 %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions
install -m 0644 -vp ./deb/usr/share/polkit-1/actions/* %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/polkit-1/actions/


* Sat Aug 12 2023 Marko Lutar <marko@lutar.eu> - 1.0.0-0.1
- Initial release for Rocky Linux 9.2

libayatana-appindicator-gtk3 is the package I've had to build (together with libayatana-indicator-gtk3 and libayatana-ido-gtk3) for myself (I've slightly modified libayatana-appindicator / libayatana-indicator / libayatana-ido mageia / suse spec files as much as I remember, I've done that some months ago...), as well as resolvconf (a simple fedora rebuild, done a few days ago).

Runs fine in Mate Desktop environment, tray icon also works perfectly.

mfat commented 10 months ago

Another vote for an RPM package. Thanks.

rainforest-9716 commented 2 months ago

2024 another vote for RPM